Chapter 25

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Here is another chapter to make up for not updating for like a year. Hope you enjoy and please comment/vote!!

Amelie's Point of View

After Gérard had left, Myrnin turned on me.

"What was that about?"

"If you expected me to hug her and say how much I missed her, you are very much mistaken." I said, going to sit in my chair.

"You could have at least shown some affection. She is your daughter!"

"Adopted. And you learn not to develop sentimental attachments to humans. They will only die and cause you pain."

"Amelie, you know Sarah Jane is not a human. Have you seen how much she has grown? The least you could have done, is show that you hadn't forgotten about her." Myrnin said. I sighed.

"I don't do that with Claire, then why would I do it with Sarah Jane? I-"

"Because Claire is not your daughter!" Myrnin cut me off. "You cared for her so much, many years ago. What's changed?"

"You do not cut me off. And what has changed, is that I have been getting on with my life. I did worry for her in the beginning, but it was interfering with my work. Oliver proved that." I said, signing another piece of paper.

"Oliver couldn't wait to get rid of her. Why would you take advice from him?" Myrnin asked, disgust in his tone as why I would be speaking with Oliver.

"Because it was truth. Now I have had enough of this. If you don't have anything to say apart from why I haven't shown more affection, then please leave." I ordered. Myrnin would take nothing more than an order when he is like this.

"You abandoned her. When-" He started.

"Myrnin, I said leave. I don't want to hear anymore of this."

"You don't want to hear this, because it's true. Just think about it."

I had enough. "Guards," They came in. "Remove him from my sight." They grabbed him and Myrnin did struggle, but two of them were strong enough.

"Just think about it!" Another pair of guards came in and closed the door. I sighed and stared at the papers in the folder.  Sarah Jane might age slower than humans, but she is not immortal. She will die eventually. It's better I don't feel anything, than grieve at her funeral.

"I see you took care of him." Oliver said, coming in and closing the door. I didn't look at him, just signing another paper, declining for more hunting rights.

"Please don't start. I have no patience. You must have heard, as you were standing outside."

"Of course not. You're doing the right thing." He said, sitting down opposite me. "So do you have any plans for tonight?" I looked up at him.


"I thought you would like to get out. Have a break from work and Myrnin." He said.

"The child gets back, I get a moaning from Myrnin and you decide to take me out? You can believe why I find this strange."

Oliver smiled. "Can't I take you out? No matter the circumstances."

I sighed. "I might be free, later this evening."

Oliver smiled more and stood up.  "Great. Just tell me what time and it's a date."

"A date?"

"Yes." He kissed my hand the next the room. I shook my head. What else was going to happen today?

Claire's Point of View

I was sitting in my room, reading a book but not reading it, if that makes sense. I really had no interest in anything anymore, not since Myrnin mostly drained me of blood and turned me into a vampire, while I was sleeping. I hadn't been given a choice and Amelie had said adamantly that she had not ordered him, but had said that it was either this, or having my brain put into the machine to keep it running. So dying an old woman with Shane wasn't an option.

Shane and Eve died a long time ago. When Shane found out about me he didn't hate me, as I thought he would, but instead got a stake and went to Myrnin to kill him. He failed, of course and was taken to Amelie who taken pity and said she knew about how he felt about me, but still gave him a punishment of working with Oliver (who he disliked after his attempt to turn Eve for his own gain. I never knew what that was, no-one would say anything.)

When Shane had died, I took it upon myself to try and kill Myrnin, but that didn't work either. The new police officer took me to prison and then Michael bailed me out. After that, I had refused to work for him, talk to him or even look at him, when he was around. Myrnin just thinks this is a phase, I will get out of.

Bored and fed up, I put the book back on the shelf. I heard someone coming up the stairs, maybe Michael and knock on the door.

"Come in." The door opened and there stood Sarah Jane. I couldn't believe it. I was speechless. I thought she had permanently Earth for good, it had been so long since she left.

"Hi, Claire. I was worried Michael would be the only one left." She said and stepped in and closed the door.

"Um... yeah. Hi." I said. "You look... Different." I said.

"Oh yeah. I've grown a bit." She said.

She sighed. "How are you and Amelie?"

"Fine." I shrugged.

"She doesn't want me." Sarah Jane and sniffed.

"What? Why not? She practically babied you before."

"Yeah, that was before. Now she seems to have forgotten me." Sarah Jane said.

"We need to go over there and tell her to wake up or something." I said. I couldn't believe Amelie; why would she just disown Sarah Jane like she never existed?

"Yeah, Michael's going to do that when I'm ready, I just needed to see you." She said. I nodded.

"I'm glad you did. So are you ready now?" I asked, not wanting to rush her. She nodded, anyway.

"Let's go." I nodded and got a jacket on and blue trainers, I brought from the clothes shop and went downstairs where Michael is in the living room.

"Ready?" I asked. Michael nodded and collected his coat, gloves and car keys. "Lets go."

Comment/Vote :D And thanks for reading! If you have any ideas on how I should end the story I would love to hear your suggestions! :)

The Lost Child (Morganville Vampires)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora