Chapter 19

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Mariliza's Point of View

Myself, Holly and  Seth sat in an alleyway, thinking of what to do.

"This is your problem. You would have said bomb, if I had not stopped you." Seth said. I stared at him. He stared back.

"Well, excuse me for that." I said. "We just need to come up with a plan to take her." I said. "Any ideas would be helpful."

"I don't know, none of us knows." Seth said. "Unless she comes to us, there's nothing we can do. Her powers are too out of control."

I looked to Holly. "Any ideas?" She shook her head.

"If she is unguarded, then maybe we could take her by putting a suppression cuff on her." Holly suggested.

"She will be guarded. We need to get the vampire away." I said. Just then the pod beeped an alarm sound then the Mainframe spoke through.

"Alert! Alert! Systems have been breached!" We all stood up.

"Who would be there? The ship is unseen!" Seth asked. I cast him a glance and he stopped asking questions. The females are higher than the males, so they do what we ask.

"The only other one with powers. She has come out of hiding and she is at the ship. Seth go and get her and meet me, Holly go to the house Seth was at. Go!" I commanded. They bowed their heads and ran off.

I ran to the house and entered, throwing the door off its standers. "Hey!" A male said. I pushed him back and he didn't get up but he still breathed and Holly took care of the others. We took them to a room and closed the door. I made sure the door didn't open again.

Sarah Jane's Point of View

I concentrated blocking out Myrnin's frantic voice telling me to hurry up and get away. I concentrated my power on finding the defensive mechanism and reprogrammed to blast away anyone in my mind. Which was Holly, Seth and Lisa. When I heard the click, I let out a Yes! and just in time too, as the dark haired guy came running up. The Mainframe's voice changed from alerting them to,

"Danger, unauthorised Messalians detected. Halt or you will be forcefully ejected."

"Zanthe, no stop!" The dark haired guy said. Myrnin looked at me, like I was a genius which I was proud of.

"Priming defensive mechanism." The ship said. The two guys halted and backed up.

"Zanthe, stop this. Set the ship back to how it was. Now." The dark haired guy said.

"First, I want you to stop calling me Zanthe. It's Sarah Jane and no. I just need to do a few changes. Nothing major." I said. Seth came forward to try and grab me and the Mainframe said,

"Defensive mechanism activated!" Then a flash blinded us and a yell came from Seth and when the flash went he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe I'd killed them? Maybe I had completely obliterated them.

"Do you think I killed them?" I asked Myrnin. He shook his head.

"Probably threw them somewhere, so it would take them a while to get back. Now since you are the commander, give the command to get in." He said. I turned around raced the ship.

"Mainframe?" I asked.

"Yes Zanthe?"

"Can you open up? Please?"

"Request accepted." The ship said and a door slip open. I smiled at Myrnin and stepped in.

Inside is awesome. The floor in the middle looks like a shimmering lake and there are corridors with different rooms with sliding doors in. At the front of the ship is the window, I guess and a large square which I am guessing is how you control the ship. The walls were shades of silver and gold. "This is awesome. I so want this." I said, turning to Myrnin. He was looking around in absolute amazement. I went up to the controls.

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