Chapter 20

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Last time

"Right..." I thought. "Well I just need to go to Mom's office and let her see me and then I would come back. How long would that take?"

"2 miles outside Morganville, Texas. Time to return, 2 hours 15 minutes. Energy left after return: Critical. Length to power up: 1 month 2 weeks 5 days 10 minutes 03 seconds." I sighed. Well the ship couldn't stay here for a month. Then an idea came to me.

"Can I fly you to Mom's location?"

"Request denied. Average travel experience needed. Experience of Izla: None." I rolled my eyes. I put my hand on the square and concentrated on where to go.

"Request denied." The ship said.

"Quiet. I'm concentrating. Hand control over to me." I said.

"Request denied."

"Now." I said.

"Request denied."

"Fine I will do it myself." I concentrated really hard and used my power to change my travel experience. Of course the ship protested and I overwrite the experience to Full then the ship engines started, a light humming and the ship levitated. I opened my eyes and I was about 80-90 metres of the ground. "Wow..." I could see Morganville in the distance to the left and directed the ship there. But as soon as I wanted to turn the ship shuddered and shook and an alarm bleeped. I closed my eyes and focused on my destination.

"Warning, warning-"

"Shush!" I said. I did try to stop the shuddering but nothing was working and the ship was starting to fall.


Sarah Jane's Point of View

The ship started to fall out of the sky and I opened my eyes and looked around the controls. None of them had labels on, but I guess it is because most people-ish have training and can know what the controls are without the labels. I pressed and pulled everything but the beeping continued. Mainframe wouldn't shut up about my impending death and kept saying,

"Alert, alert! Ship descent critical!"

"Alright, I get the message!"

"Request denied."

"It wasn't a request!" I said and kicked the controls, which only succeeded in hurting my foot. I looked out of the window. Without the shuddering and the Mainframe on repeat about the crash, the ground didn't seem that far away. So, I wasn't 100 metres in the air anymore. I needed to think.

"Critical! Critical!" The Mainframe said. A sound that sounded very much like an alarm blared. I looked over the controls and saw a level type switch. I pulled it on and a roar sounded from the underside of the ship and with it being invisible, everyone would be like 'What the hell is that noise?"

Anyway back to crisis at hand. The roar sounded like some engines coming to life. "Mainframe, what just happened. Information."

"Secondary engines activated."

Ohh, that didn't sound good. I may have blown up the first engines or something. "Okay, think think. What next?" The ship was still shuddering, but at least I wasn't facing instant death. I looked at the controls again. There is a red button, but something told me not to press that. I looked at the different switches and decided to go for the top left one. I flicked it down and the ship stopped shuddering. "Wow, I am getting good at this..."

I put my hands on the large square and pictured where I wanted to go.

"Arrival to Messaline in 10, 9,-"

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