Chapter 18

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Myrnin's point of View

Amelie and I waited in her office, while this Seth man went to get his friends. While I was standing, a thought struck me.

"The man's friends came here in a spacecraft, didn't they?" I asked.

"Yes." Amelie said.

"Well why don't I find it and disable it? Then they couldn't kidnap Sarah Jane." I said. I could tell the idea appealed to her.

"How would you find it? They wouldn't put in plain view and how would you get in it?" She asked. "Also there is a risk of you getting caught." Amelie said.

"I will be super careful and it can't be that invisible. I might not need to find it, I could just be walking and I could bump into it." I said. Amelie said.

"You are hardly careful with anything, but fine. But wait here, they're coming." Amelie said. I took offence to that. Of course I was careful! Claire wasn't dead yet. I sighed and leaned on her chair, as the 2 women and 1 men came in. "Introduce yourselves." Amelie commanded.

The woman slightly taller than the rest came forward. "My name is Lisa. I am the Leader from the planet Messaline." She said. She sounded like she wasn't used to speaking English, she was occasionally tripping over words. A shorter blonde woman came forward.

"I am Holly." She said. Then the brunette woman came forward. I wondered why the men didn't come first.

"My name is Seth." Seth said. I looked them up and down.

"I see you have a different appearance under this?" I asked. Amelie cast me a glance and I quietened.

"Why have you come here? I know you came here for Sarah Jane-" Amelie started.

"Zanthe." Mary said. Amelie stared hard at her.

"She's Sarah Jane when she is on Earth. That's the end of it. As I was saying, I know you came here for Sarah Jane but why couldn't you come later? She is only 9 years old." Amelie said.

"She's maybe 11, right now." I said quietly to her. Amelie sighed.

"11, then." She said.

"We have to wait until her powers come in and then take her back, where she can learn to control her powers." Molly said.

"But Molly-"

"Holly." She corrected. I waved a hand dismissively.

"Don't you have other planets you could take her to? Humans have this habit of getting attached to young children." I said.

"Well, the other planets were either uninhabitable or they wouldn't accept her. And they didn't want to be involved with the conflict. So we brought her here. None of your other planets are suitable." Molly said.

"Why to this town?" Amelie asked.

"We looked through your databases. Vampires are stronger than humans, you could protect Zanthe if anyone came for her." Mary said.

"Well, sorry her name is Sarah Jane and you can't expect her to just leave with you and never say goodbye. It's not how it works on this planet, Lissa." I said. Lissa stared at me and I stared back.

"It's Lisa and you were only supposed to be her care vampire, not to get attached to the bo- Ow!" The Seth guy had kicked her.

"What did you say?" Amelie asked standing up. Her eyes were red. I felt mine going red, too.

"Nothing. You shouldn't have got attached to the child." Lissa said.

"You was going to say bomb, wasn't you?" Amelie asked. The Molly girl handed her a device. "What is it?"

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