Chapter 13

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Amelie's Point of View

"Sarah Jane?" I called. No answer. I called again and searching and listening for any movement. I searched upstairs then heard the front door open.

Sarah Jane now the size of a 8 year old came through. "Where have you been?"

"To Oliver's. Then to Myrnins." She said.

"You do not leave this house when I am not here. I have said this multiple times and keep disobeying me." This is the 3rd time she had gone out. One of the times she even when out at night.

"Well what am I supposed to do here? I have read every book in this house watched every program on every channel and done everything in this house. I'm bored." Sarah Jane complained.

"Well you will just have to find something else to do. You are not allowed out." I said.

"Can't I come with you to work?" Sarah Jane asked.

"No. There is to be no children there. And no-one is to know you belong to me." I said. Sarah Jane shrugged.

"Fine, no-one will know." She said. "I just need something to do."

"There will be nothing to do where I work." I said.

"I could explore." She said.

"No exploring. You stay with me." I said sighing.

"So I can come?" Sarah Jane asked.

"Yes but only because you won't be quiet about it. Get yourself presentable I will leave in 10 minutes." I said leaving.

Sarah Jane's Point of View

I smiled and ran upstairs to my room and ran a brush through my dark brown hair and changed clothes from the spilled chemicals from my visit to Myrnins. I washed my face then went downstairs went Amelie was waiting.

"Come on or I am going to be late." She said. I got my boots on and my coat that had wolves on, then followed her outside to a waiting limousine. The guy in black opened the door and I got in first and sat down.

"Cosy in here." I said as Amelie sat down.

"Yes. Put on your seatbelt." She said. I sighed and did as I was told.

"Who are your guards?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter." She said.

"I want to know."

"Well you won't, so quiet and sit still." She snapped at me. I stared out the window I couldn't see out of and crossed my arms. "Your arms are glowing." I glanced down and calmed myself down.

We sat in silence for what felt like ages and then the car came to a stop. The guards got out and opened the door for us - well Amelie - and I followed her to a huge building. We went inside and I got a few looks. Nobody here seemed to be in a happy mood. I had noticed that ages ago. No-one seemed to smile and absolutely no-one went out after night but that was because of the vampires.

I followed Amelie upstairs and to a room with opened itself. Walking in I found more guards had opened it. Amelie motioned to a chair. "Sit and keep quiet. And when the meeting is finished don't talk about it to anyone." She said. I shrugged. "Sarah Jane." She said firmly.

"Alright." I said and took out a drawing pad. I had gone onto the Internet at Claire's house and had learned to draw there and Claire had said I am now an artist. I started drawing the room and then Oliver came in. He glared at me.

"What is she doing here?" He asked.

"She's staying here because she keeps wandering off." Amelie said.

"Have you got anything out of her that happened?" He asked. Amelie sighed.

"Just relax. It's just a marking nothing happened that is slowly killing you. Now just sit down and wait till the end of the meeting." She said. I went back to my drawing but felt Oliver still glaring at me.

Next came in Myrnin and he didn't seem any worse for wear with his mark.

"Hello Sarah Jane, how are you today?" He asked sitting next to me.

"I'm okay thank you." I replied.

"What are you drawing?" He asked.

"Just the room." I said. I drew the pillar and the curtains, then the walls. I considered drawing the occupants but decided against it. Maybe Oliver wouldn't like me drawing him, glaring at me.

Other people came in and took their seat and Amelie started the meeting. Halfway through I finished the drawing and started to colour but I hadn't brought any colouring crayons with me. "Damn." I said to myself. I got the ink pen Amelie had been using and coloured the blue sky and the curtains. I had got halfway down the curtains when Amelie took the pen off me.

"Anyway, as I was saying..." I didn't listen to her. I huffed. I looked around the room. Two pillars by the windows, white walls, dark blue carpet, a long polished brown wooden table with chairs on each side. I decided to levitate the papers by Amelie. They fluttered then my hand was slammed down.

"Ow!" I pulled my hand away.

"Just sit still." Amelie said.

"Why is she doing here?" Someone asked. A man in Mayor clothes.

"Never mind. Back to the matter at hand..." Amelie said and the man quietened.

"This is boring." Myrnin said. Oliver glared at Myrnin.

"Well no-one asked you to come. So shut it or leave." He said. An idea came to mind. I smiled a bit and wrote down on a pad of sketch paper: Distract Amelie so I can go out and explore. I folded it up and passed it to Myrnin. He smirked. Amelie watched me carefully. She carried on talking. Myrnin screwed up the paper and threw it at Oliver. Oliver growled and glared at Amelie. She ignored him.

"Amelie." Myrnin said. She ignored him. "Amelie."

"What?" She almost snapped.

"Oliver keeps growling. It is getting quite hard to concentrate on you speaking." He said. She sighed.

"Oliver be quiet." She said. Oliver's eyes went red. Myrnin threw another paper ball at Oliver who caught it. Amelie sent a look to me to me, a look that she knew I was the cause of this. Myrnin kept throwing paper balls from the pad and then Oliver snapped. He slammed Myrnin up against the wall and growled that he would rip his head off. I cleared my throat and bit my lip to stop from laughing.

"And I'll tear your friend apart as well." Oliver growled.

"You won't." Amelie said matter of factly. While Amelie was distracted, I slipped under the table and crawled until I got to the end and slipped out the door while the guard was busy restraining Oliver. I dusted myself off then wandered down the hall. I could still hear them yelling. I went up the stairs and checked the doors and peeked in some rooms and then kept exploring.

"You're a little lost aren't you?"

Amelie's Point of View

"Myrnin and Oliver stop fighting!" I demanded. Oliver stepped away but not before Myrnin punched him. Oliver maybe would have killed him if not for my guard holding him back. There had to be two of them. Myrnin smirked and laughed then sat down.

"I've stopped fighting. Ask Oliver to do the same." He said. I glared at him.

"Your not getting off lightly." I said. Oliver shook the guards off and went to sit down glaring daggers at him. I glanced to Sarah Jane... But she wasn't there. I glared at Myrnin and he pretended he was fascinated with the child's drawing. I went on with the meeting but couldn't keep my mind off Sarah Jane.

20 minutes later, the meeting was adjourned and I went out dragging Myrnin. "Where is she?" I hissed.

"I have no idea. She... Just wanted me to distract everyone." He said. I pushed him towards the stairs to the ground floor.

"Find her and bring her back to me. If she is harmed, I will hold you personally responsible." I said and left him and got in my limousine and drove back to my house hoping she would be returned safely.

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