Chapter 14

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Sarah Jane's Point of View

"Your a little lost, aren't you?" I turned around and saw a pale guy standing there.

"Hello." I said. "And no. I'm not lost. I'm just wandering around because I'm bored. My mom's downstairs." I said. The man smiled.

"Your Mom? Who is your Mom?"

Sally Morgan." I said. I was gonna say Claire was my Mom, but then it probably wouldn't have made me popular among them.

"Well... She is going to miss you terribly." He smiled showing fangs. I swallowed.

"She won't. She won't have to. The Founder is my Protector you will have to answer to her if you are gonna kill me." I said. The man laughed.

"Who says I am going to kill you? I'm just gonna take you somewhere nice." He said.

"Your not." I said surprised at the steadiness of my voice.

"Really? And what are you going to do to stop it? You're not a vampire." He said walking towards me. I backed up a little.

"I have powers. You don't want to mess with me." I said closing my hands into fists. The guy scoffed.

"Yeah right. Come here, little girl." He reached out towards and I flung out my arms and he flew several metres hitting and knocking unconscious. All the statues, vases and papers anything not bolted down was smashed on the floor. The world went blurry, then I fell unconscious.

Somewhere in Space above the Earth

Lisa typed into into the Mainframe trying to track the where the pod had landed. She and others from the planet Messaline had tracked the pod to a planet called Earth. She had been taken there for safe keeping and now she was becoming of maturity they needed to find her and bring her back. The Mainframe scanned the planet from the Pole to Pole.

"Sonic activity detected." The Mainframe reported.

"Take me there." Lisa said. The engines fired up and Lisa put up the shields and then held on. The ship shuddered as it entered the atmosphere and grew very bright outside. The bright light gave way to sky and Mainframe travelled to the destination. Lisa engaged invisibility and went to report to everyone else.

Lisa walked to Seth's room and knocked the door. "Come."

Lisa walked in. Holly was in there as well. "We are descending to an Earth town called Morganville. The species there are human and vampire. Get the perception filters ready."

"Yes, our Leader." They said. She informed them and told them to inform everyone else. She then went back to the bridge and to a section of floor. "Reflection." The floor melted away and became a reflective mirror. Her pale blue skin looked worse than before and her dark blue hair hung low. Her eyes which changed with her mood, looked a hopeful yellow. She turned to the outside where they were approaching their destination.

"I'm coming for you."

Myrnin's Point of View

I had searched the Ground and First floors and couldn't find her. I would search the other floors but they were for the Founder and they were guarded. I didn't want to upset Amelie anymore. I suddenly heard a whooshing sound and several crashes and smashed pottery up on the Fourth floor. Screw Amelie's orders this time. I thought and raced upstairs. I was just in time to see a tall vampire get knocked unconscious and Sarah Jane lose consciousness. I caught her before she fell and quickly checked her over. Heart still beating, check. Still breathing, check. Still warm, check. Amelie will be pleased. I picked up Sarah Jane and stepped over the fall vampire and rushed to Amelie's place.

At Amelie's, I knocked on the door and Amelie opened it. She took Sarah Jane from me and nodded. "Thank you. You may go." She closed the door. I decided not to remind her of my punishment. Maybe she would forget about it. I ran back to the lab.

Amelie's Point of View

I took Sarah Jane upstairs to her bedroom and lay her down, taking off her shoes and coat. I brushed her hair and tucked her in. A few minutes later Sarah Jane woke up.

"Wow! I wasn't sure I could that- Oh. Hi Mom." She said, sitting up.

"What did I tell you about wandering off?" I said.

"Sorry. But I didn't get killed." Sarah Jane said.

"That's not the point. If you keep doing this and passing out maybe you won't wake up again." I said.

"I'll be fine. I just use up all my powers at once. They return though." Sarah Jane said. I sighed.

"You are not going out again. I am taking you to the Glass House when I go out and maybe Oliver will come out and demand that you do something about his marks. I don't know. But your not coming out with me again." I said firmly.

"But Amelie please I won't wonder off again I promise and I won't use my powers again. I go crazy not being able to do anything all day please can I come?" Sarah Jane pleaded.

"No. It's just for this week, I will think about it next week. Now get some rest." I adjusted her duvet and went out the room.


Lisa, Holly and Seth set the perception filters up. Lisa checked them for anything that might hinder their working. "Have they been charged?" She asked.

"Yes." Seth said. "May I ask what shall we go as? Because I have checked Earth records and vampires and humans are the same."

"Humans." Lisa said. "We might blend in better. Choose your form and wait for me outside." She said. They all bowed their head and programmed the filters then put them on, then went outside. She tapped on the Mainframe and and programmed the Ship to blend in with the background. Then she programmed the filter, put it on and went outside.

Outside was hot. The filter helped them breathe, but they were used to cooler climates.

"Look at this." They all looked at the sign but it meant nothing, since none of them spoke any Earth language. The tracker beeped pointing into the town. "She's this way." Lisa said leading the way. They kept walking the device leading them to where the offspring had landed. "Split up. If we continue like this we will draw attention." The rest nodded and went their separate ways.

 Lisa carried on walking, but then the tracker lost the signal. She shook it but it couldn't regain the signal. "The fluid must have been used up." She said. She sent a mental message to the rest of them to look for her and carried on in the direction the device had lost the signal.

The Lost Child (Morganville Vampires)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant