Chapter 16

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Lisa's Point of View (3rd person)

Lisa was sitting in the cafe as the humans called it, but didn't want any of the fluids. She still hadn't got a trace of the child and she had tried everything. But she was in this town. She was sure of it.

Just then the door made a sound and a little human came in. She had fair skin and wavy fur on her head mostly like the humans. But there was a faint trace of the golden in her fur like the others. She pointed the mini pod at her and it scanned her and confirmed her. She had found her. Now she just had to get her away and back on the ship then to tell everyone and they could go back home. She decided to wait until Zanthe, which meant special, came out again then she would take her.

What felt like aeons later, Zanthe came out. She looked the human emotion of angry but Lisa followed her anyway. She followed her until they were away from any humans then caught up with her.

"Zanthe." She tapped her shoulder. Zanthe turned around, but seemed troubled.

"Um, I'm sorry but my name's not Zanthe. It's Sarah Jane, and I have to get back before my mom notices I have gone." She said. Lisa looked at her confused. She had assimilated the humans language but couldn't understand why she didn't recognize her. Okay, she was a little baby when she was left but some memory has got to still be there.

"It's me, Lisa. I have come to take you back home. You have powers like me. You was left here to protect you and now you have to go back." She said.

"Wow." Zanthe said. "So are you my real mom?" She asked.

"Well... Not really. I was tasked with taking care of you. But it got too dangerous and I had to put you somewhere so they wouldn't find you." Lisa said.

"Oh." Zanthe said. "Well I just have to go home and wait for my Mom to come back and tell her." Zanthe said starting to walk away.

"No, Zanthe you must come with me. We have to leave." Zanthe said, grabbing her arm. Zanthe looked at the hand and at the way she was going.

"Well one thing, my name is Sarah Jane on this planet and another thing I can't just leave. I have to say goodbye and explain things. Plus one of my friends have got the marks from my power ball. I have to sort him out." Zanthe said. Lisa paused.

"You showed your powers?" She asked. Lisa nodded.

"There was nothing telling me not to. You just left me on Amelie's doorstep and left. I was only entertaining myself. Now I have to go." Zanthe pulled her arm out of Lisa's grasp and carried on walking. Lisa sent a message to everyone informing she had found Zanthe and to come and help bring her in. Then she followed her.

"Zanthe! You must come now." Lisa said.

"I'm not Zanthe! I told you. It's Sarah Jane on this planet." Zanthe said.

"That is not your name. It's Zanthe on every planet you go to. Now you must come. I will leave a message for your care human." She said. Zanthe shook her head.

"No. I will handle it. She is the one who took care of me and Claire, Eve, Shane and Michael. I'm not just leaving and you can't make me." Zanthe sad walking away.

"I am older and more experienced than you. I could take you back without you freely coming, but I want to avoid that. I am your Leader and you will do as your told." Zanthe said, stopping Zanthe from walking away.

"Just because your older, doesn't mean you can boss others around." Zanthe said.

"Zanthe." Seth, and Holly appeared.

"My name's not Zanthe! You can't make me come! Not yet." Zanthe said loudly.

"You must. There is no choice in this. You do not belong here." Seth said.

"We don't want to have to take you without you freely coming." Holly said. Zanthe glared at them, then flung her arms sending a massive red shock-wave that, if they hadn't defended themselves, would have sent them flying. It was difficult to hold off. Young ones power are stronger and more out of control, but when the red wave cleared Zanthe was gone.

"This is not good. She must come." Holly said. Lisa sighed.

"I know. I will get her. See where Seth is and get him for me." Holly nodded and left. Lisa used the device to track where Zanthe had gone. 

Myrnin's Point of View

I had just left tormenting Oliver about his arm when I heard chatting coming from the side of the building. I know I should get back and feed Bob, my pet, but I guess I am curious. I walk towards the voices and pick out Sarah Jane's. She seemed agitated.

"My name's Sarah Jane, on this planet not Zanthe! I keep telling you! I'm not leaving without saying goodbye." She said. I knew this would happen. Her parents maybe were coming to take her back. She had been a good assistant, better than Claire, but maybe I shouldn't tell Claire that.

"You must come. You do not belong on this planet." A male voice voice.

"We don't want to have to take you back without you freely coming." A female voice this time, I wonder how many are there. I looked around the building and there were 2 women and 1 man there with Sarah Jane. Her hands were glowing and crackling. I contemplated stepping in but the little girl seemed to be doing just fine on her own in stressful situations.

"You are coming back with us. I will inform your care human." The taller woman said. She was talking about Amelie. Oh, she would not like that. She had adopted little Sarah Jane and taken care of her as if she was her own daughter. If they just took her it will be worse than when Samuel died. She might blame me... Gosh I hadn't thought of that. Maybe she would think I had kidnapped her.

"You may be older than me, but that doesn't mean you can boss others around." Sarah Jane, I had missed part of the conversation. Then she did her little power thing, which was a big power thing, which knocked me off my feet. There was also there was a red blinding flash. I covered my eyes and rushed to grab Sarah Jane and ran to a disused warehouse. I lay her down on the highest level out of sight. I was starting to worry about her passing out. Maybe she would keep sleeping. I had to tell Amelie. I patted my pockets but I had left the telephone somewhere. I looked through Sarah Jane's pockets and found a little telephone that will have to do. 

I dialled Amelie and waited.

"Hello? Who is it?" Amelie asked.

"It's me, Myrnin I have Sarah Jane in one of the warehouses on the edge of town. Some people, maybe her own people were trying to take her away." I said.

"Where was she?" She asked.

"Well, I didn't influence any decision since I wasn't there-"

"Where. Was. She?" Amelie asked again.

"She was at the coffee place from what I can smell. Then I found her in the alleyway and she did the power thing then passed out." I said, hoping she wasn't too mad.

"Leave her with a note and meet me in my office." Amelie said and hung up. Phew, she wasn't mad. Just needed some paper and there was none in here. I rushed out and snatched a poster from a shop window and a pen from the shop and rushed back to the warehouse where Sarah Jane was still sleeping. I thought about what to write:

Sarah-Jane this is Myrnin. I saw you confront the people in the alleyway before you passed out and I brought you here to keep you safe. When you wake up, I shall be with your mom figuring out something but you have to stay here. Unless you want to be kidnapped and taken back to your planet. If they find you, you are intelligent enough so try to hide. I have left you paper so you can draw.

- Myrnin 

I thought that was good enough, so I left it by her side and jumped down from the space at the top of the warehouse and ran to Amelie's office.

Any reviews or comments are much appreciated because they tell me if you like the story or not or if anything should change. Thank you for reading the next chapter will be up maybe later today or tomorrow.


The Lost Child (Morganville Vampires)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon