Chapter 9

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Eve's POV

I was sitting in Amelie's office, the Ice Queen not here yet while Sarah Jane played with things on her desk.

"Your mom won't like that." I said. Sarah Jane looked up and her eyes are so blue.

"You kicked me." She said.

"I already said that was an accident. And aren't you a bit tall for a 3 year old?" I asked. She did seem to be growing fast.

"I am actually 5 years old." She said. I blinked.

"Right... How do you do that? Make memories by touching? Or are you some creepy vampire or something that can do that. No offence but I don't think you are from a different planet. You were probably just abandoned." I said. Sarah Jane shrugged.

"I don't know how I do the 'memory thing', but I know I am from a different planet. I have read and vampires cannot reproduce." She said. "So I can't be an offspring of a vampire." Sarah Jane said.

"Right well before your mom comes back could you tell her that it was an accident? Please? It really was I would never do that and I will never do it again." I said. Sarah Jane shrugged. "Please?"

"Are you scared of Mommy?" She asked.

"Well, not normally but when she's like this kinda." I said. "Aren't you? She is a vampire." Sarah Jane shook her head. She was gonna speak again then Amelie came in.

"Sarah Jane get down from the desk. And you. Have you figured out what you are going to say?" She asked turning to me. I glanced at Sarah Jane but she's playing with blocks.

"It was really an accident. I swear I didn't mean it. It will never happen again." I said.

"I don't believe you." Amelie said. "You do not kick a child."

"Mommy, it really was an accident. She was going to kick the pillow. She must have missed." Sarah Jane said. Amelie looked over at Sarah Jane.

"Really? You don't have to defend her. If she did mean it she will be punished." Amelie said firmly.

"I am not defending her. She really did mean to kick the pillow. Right Eve?" Sarah Jane asked. I nodded feeling a flood of relief.

Amelie took a breath. "Fine. Your friends are here to collect you. If you do this again you will be punished and it will be severe." I nodded.

"Thanks." I got up and hurriedly left.

Amelie's POV

I sat down at my desk taking an unnecessary breath and drinking from the cup left on my desk. I looked over at Sarah Jane.

"Why did you defend her?" I asked. She looked up.

"I didn't. There was a pillow and she went to kick it." She said.

"Do not lie. I know she didn't mean to kick the pillow. There was no pillow. Now answer the question." I said. Sarah Jane stared back at me.

"She was annoyed at her friends." She said.

"Why?" I am not usually interested but I wanted to know this one time.

"I was making the television explode." She said.

I sighed. "Right." I picked up a pen and started writing and signing sheets.

"Can I go out?" She asked.

"Excuse me?" I asked not believing her.

"It's morning. I want to see Oliver." She said.

"No. That's final. Stay here." I said.

"I want to see him! He won't hurt me." She said.

"No! Do not keep asking me I do not have unlimited patience. " I said.

"I can defend myself." She said. She lifted her hand and it sparked red and purple. She thrust her hand out and a blinding red flash happened and when it went one of the big chairs by my desk was thrown to the other side of the room. "I will be fine." She got up and left closing the door. I didn't know what to say but I had noticed she has grown considerably.

The maid came and the guards had come forward. "It's fine." I said. "Right the chair." She went over and pulled the chair up which was quite heavy for her and dragged it over to the desk. "Bring me another drink." She nodded and went out.

Oliver's POV

I was in my office when Amelie's adopted child came in.

"Hello." She said sitting down.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm busy."

"I came to see how you are. Mommy allowed me since I have been with her for a long while." Sarah Jane said.

"Well I'm fine. Now go." I said dismissing her.

"Nice office you have here. What do you do when you are not in here?" She asked.

"I told you to leave." I said.

"I asked a question." She said.

"Do not speak to me like that. I told you to leave. Now go." I said. She was already getting on my nerves.

"Like what? I didn't say it in any type of voice. I just asked a question. " Sarah Jane said.

"And I am ordering you to leave. Now go." I said the pen starting to crack.

"What do you do when you are not in here?" She asked.

"Does your mother not teach you any manners? Go NOW." The pen snapped and I threw it away.

"You seem stressed." She said.

"How very observant of you." I said sarcastically.

"Are you going to answer the question?" Sarah Jane asked.

"No!" I half shouted. "Get out."

"But-" She began but never finished. I pinned her against the wall by her shoulders.

"Get out. You may be Amelie's child but that doesn't mean you can pester and order others around. Now get out and stay out." I said quietly.

Sarah Jane is quiet for a moment. "You really are stressed. You need to take a break." She said. I banged her against the wall. "Did you hear-" A piercing sound started up deafeningly loud. I dropped the girl and covered my ears. The sound stopped. I looked up at the kid.

"What do you do when you are not at work?" She asked. She is not going to stop answering that question.

"I work in the cafe. Then I get away from the likes you until I feel like it." I said.

"Wow. That is amazing. I just play games and be babysitted. Must be nice having all that coffee. Keeps you awake." Sarah Jane said. "You want to play a game?"

"No. Go away. I mean it." I said. She sighed then shrugged.

"Fine. I will see around." She walked out closing the door.

I stared after her in disbelief. "How...?" I ignored that question and went back to work.

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