Chapter 2

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Amelie's point of view

Finishing the paperwork last night, I went downstairs to check on Sarah Jane. She is helping herself to cookies and sucking and licking them. I sighed and picked the cookie up using a paper towel, then put it in the bin.

"Are you hungry, Sarah? You want some milk?" I asked going to the milk. Sarah Jane walked after me. It was strange. She was crawling only a few weeks ago. I picked her up and fed her the milk. I wondered what I was going to do with her today. I can't look after her because I have a meeting in 12 minutes apparently I have to go to, Oliver wants to talk, but is too lazy to come over and Richard is needed. All this is hours apart but I can't look after Sarah Jane.

Sighing, I pick up my phone and call Michael. It goes to voicemail so I ring Claire.

"Hello...Amelie?" she asked. I roll my eyes. Seriously, she needs to learn to talk properly and not hesitate all the time.

"Hello Claire. Come to my house now." I said and hung up. I put my phone down and took the empty bottle off Sarah Jane and put her on floor. She crawled around and played with a plastic rattle, I had got to entertain her. 5 minutes later, Claire ringed the door bell. I went to the door and answered it.

"Come in, Claire. I need your assistance." I said and walked into the living room. Claire stared at the baby. "I am very busy today and need you to take care of Sarah Jane. She requires constant supply of milk, she only cries when she's frustrated and she likes toys." I said. Claire nodded and picked up Sarah Jane.

"She's kinda heavy..." Claire said. I sighed.

"Well of course she heavy, she's a baby. Now take her to Michael's and take care of her and I will be back when it's dark." I said and handed her the cot. Sarah Jane waved at me. I waved back and got my coat.

Claire's point of view

Amelie went and I stood there holding baby Sarah Jane. She did look cute though. I sighed, put her in her cot and got her stuff, then walked their short distance back to the Glass House.

At Michael's house, I put the baby down and went upstairs to wash and shower. I had been kind of exercising at the university and now I need to wash or I'll reek of B.O. (body odour). After I came downstairs, Eve is playing with the baby.

"OMG Claire we should totally keep her! She is sooo cute." Eve said. I sighed. I sat down on the sofa and watched TV, while Eve entertained Sarah Jane and tried to frighten her.

A while later, Shane and Michael came back. A little argument started, but stopped as soon as they saw the baby in the centre of the living room.

"Claire, I'm sorry! I didn't know you were pregnant, you could have told me." Shane said. I stared blankly at him.

"Erm... Shane? She's not mine." I said. Shane looked at Eve and Michael.

"Jeez Michael, you just love getting girls laid, don't you?" Shane said. I groaned.

"Shane neither of us were pregnant. Amelie adopted her and said we had to look after her, while she went to some meetings." I said. Michael had been about to say something but closed his mouth. Shane stared at me.

"So let me get this straight... The Ice Queen who kills, hates us and would kill you if you pissed her off enough, has adopted a baby?" Shane said and I nodded. Michael looked at the baby who crawled over to him and used his leg to stand up. I thought it was cute and even Eve went "aww!" Then she touched his hand and his face went blank.

It lasted for a couple of seconds, probably a minute then she let go and he stared at Sarah Jane.

"Dude, what just happened? It looked like you seen a ghost or something." Shane said, nudging Michael. Michael disappeared and slammed his door. We all looked at Sarah Jane who was innocently playing with her rattle. I turned my attention to the TV, just thinking it has something to do with living in Morganville.


About 2 hours later, Shane, Michael and Eve all stayed away from Sarah Jane. A while later, Amelie came and collected her.

"Ermm... Amelie?" I said before she left. She sighed and turned round. "Um... about Sarah Jane..." I began. Amelie waiting patiently. I took my time.

"Now would be nice." Amelie said, like she read my mind.

"Erm... Well she touched Michael and he got a blank expression and then she touched Eve and Shane and they both got blank expressions and when I asked what's wrong, they totally freaked and ran away." I said mumbling. Amelie sighed.

"Sarah Jane is just a normal baby. Maybe your friends haven't been touched by little children, so maybe that's why they freaked out. Now goodbye." Amelie said, got in her car and drove away. I sighed and shut my door. Amelie could have been right, even though I doubt Shane, Michael and Eve have never seen a baby before. Since it was almost 11:00 at night - taking care of a baby passes the time - I went upstairs, washed and went into bed and fell asleep.

Amelie's point of view

After I got home, I put Sarah Jane in her cot and went upstairs. I cleared my mind of what Claire had said. She is just a normal human baby, who was unfortunate enough to be abandoned by her mother.

I washed and got myself a drink of blood then went into my bedroom, changed into my nightgown and slipped into bed. I read my book and waited for the sun to rise.

The Lost Child (Morganville Vampires)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora