Chapter 15

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Claire's Point of View

I was busy washing up and I had just put the last plate on the drainer when the door knocked. I took off the washing up gloves and unlocked and opened the door. Outside stood a tall-ish guy with very blue eyes.

"Um... Hello." I said. The man stared at me. Then he got out what looked like a phone but more round. "What- Hey!" I protested when he flashed the phone thing at me. I covered my eyes. When the flash had gone and I could see again, he was pressing buttons.

"Language assimilated." The phone thing said.

"Sorry I came from a different part of Earth. My name is Setg. What is yours?" He asked. I blinked.

"Um... Claire. Do you want to come in?" I asked. He walked in pushing past me a bit.

"So um... What do you want? Because no-one really comes here unless we're in trouble or they need something." I said. Well that is how its been. No-one had really come around for a social call.

"I am looking for a child. She crashed her many Earth days ago. Or years I don't know. Have you seen her?" Seth asked. Okay... He is really not from around here, I thought.

"Um... Well I wouldn't say crashed but there is this little girl called Sarah Jane that the Founder adopted. Are you talking about her?" I asked. Seth thought for a moment.

"Can she do this?" He asked then levitated the coffee table. I blinked.

"Um... Maybe? Why do you want her for?" I asked.

"She doesn't belong on this planet. She was taken here when she was small to protect her from what was going on, on my planet. I detected sonic activity which means she has to come back and learn how to control her powers." Seth said. I blinked again.

"Um... Okay. Just wait here." I said. "Would you like a drink?" I asked. That's a stupid question, I thought. He's an alien maybe the "Earth" water would burn him or something. But Seth shook his head. "Okay I will be right back." I headed out of the room and upstairs. Damn... I thought. Shane is out, Eve's at work and Michael... I have no idea where he has gone. So I went into my room and speed dialled Amelie. She picked up on the second ring.

"Hello." She said.

"Hi... Um have you got Sarah Jane with you?" I asked.


"Because this guy called Seth, who is not from around here came to my house and said she needed to be taken back to her planet to learn to control her powers whatever that means." I said. "And something about sonic powers."

"Don't tell him she's here. Just keep him there for a few minutes. I will be coming." She said and hung up. I sighed and fell back on my bed. Then a knock came on my door. I went and opened it and there stood Seth. Doesn't he know what "wait there" means?

"Is she here?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No but the Founder's coming to speak with you. Just stay here a bit." I said.

"She is here, the Mainframe detected activity and your saying she's not." He said. I looked at his eyes. I could have sworn they were deep blue before, now they are lighter.

"Um, well the Founder just wants to speak with you. She's not in this house." I said.

"Is she in this town?" He asked.

"Maybe. Why don't you talk to the Founder when she gets here?" I asked backing up. Seth suddenly seemed intimidating.

"I'm asking you. Where is she?" He asked.

"She's in this town but I don't know where." I said. He looked like he was about to hit me but an invisible force pinned me against the wall by my neck. Seth came forward the pressure got tighter.

"Where is she? Your not being truthful." He said.

"Put her down. Now." A feminine voice said. Seth looked around and finally Amelie had come. Seth put me down - well dropped me - and I gasped for air.

Sarah Jane's Point of View

Amelie said she had to go out and help Claire with something so again, I was left to entertain myself. What she said last night about me being housebound was entirely not fair. The towns people should be more friendly.

So I decided not to stay here and I climbed out the window as the front door was guarded and slid down the drain pipe. It was fun, I wanted to do that again. But I decided later. Since Oliver kept pestering Amelie about the marks I am going to see if I can get rid of them. I walked to Common Grounds and walked through the door that went ping and carried onto Oliver's office.

I went in without knocking. "Hello." I said, taking a seat.

"What do you want? And have you ever heard of knocking?" He asked.

"Yes but you wouldn't have let me in. So anyway I have come to get rid of your marking that might start to burn and itch in a bit." I said. Oliver looked up at me.

"And how would you do that?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I can try. If the something doesn't work, I'll try another something." I said.

"I'm not your experiment." He growled. I rolled my eyes.

"The markings identify you as an inhabitant of wherever I come from. And soon other inhabitants will come and find me and bring me back - maybe - so unless you want to be identified and taken back and have terrible stuff done to you, you might want it removed." I said, not entirely making sense to myself. I shrugged. Vampires are smart.

"What? Your saying they will mistake me for you? They're not an intelligent race, then." Oliver said.

"They are! It's the computer that identifies us! And unless they stick a needle in you or something they won't exactly know." I said, bristling.

"Again, not intelligent."He said. I saw red and flung my hand out and smashed the window and several large and heavy things toppled over. Oliver stood up.

"Do you mind? Just because we don't agree on the same stuff, doesn't mean you throw a tantrum." He growled.

"They are intelligent. They are more intelligent than you or any human or vampire. They created a ship that can come from across the solar systems in a few years. You would all be dead by then!" I said.

"Fine, whatever how can you get rid of the marking?" He asked. After his insult I decided not to make it painless. I took hold of his arm, the markings were on and applied the red power then draw out what was keeping them there. I could tell it was hurting but I didn't care. Then gripping tightly and his skin almost melting I ripped of the portion of skin the marking occupied. Oliver yelled, but he would survive.

"All done. Have a nice day." I said and left.

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