Chapter 24

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I apologize for the this very long update! I wrote a chapter on the other story site I am on but it reloaded for some reason and didn't save so I lost my muse after that. But I am back now and shall be ending the story soon to focus on the others, I just don't know how yet :)

Comment your suggestions and Vote!

Sarah Jane's point of view

Landing back on solid ground, I looked up at the sky. We had passed through the Solar Space, which was a super highway that connected the different planets. Of course, you couldn't breathe in space so I had to hold my breath but it only felt like 10 or 20 seconds before Aqua passed through a flash and we were in the skies on Earth.

We had touched down where I had directed; outside of Morganville. I slid down Aqua's wing and looked at myself. My clothes had shrunk again. Serafina threw down some clothes and with Aqua creating a bubble, I got dressed.

"I wonder how old I am now..." I thought.

"Thanks for the lift." I said. Aqua nodded and turned around and flew up into the sky again. I turned around and taking a deep breath I walked through the border.

Amelie's point of view

Opening the door to my office, I dropped my bag by the bookcase and looked through the file, dumped on my desk. Some of the papers had fallen out. I sighed picking them up.

"Any news on Sarah Jane yet?" Myrnin asked. I turned to him as he climbed into through the window.

"I already said, I'm sure countless times, that I would tell you." I said, slightly irritated he kept asking and didn't use the door like anyone else.

"Yes but when she does come, you could be so caught up, that you would forget about me." He said. I sat down and took the cup off the tray, Valerie had delivered.

"Thank you." I took a sip and ignored Myrnin. Sarah Jane had been gone almost 70 years. I knew her rate of growth so she could be dead now or at least an old woman. Myrnin had been successful in turning Claire into a vampire, he had bit her when she was sleeping. He didn't want her to age too much and end up like Oliver.

I didn't want her to become immortal, but knowing Myrnin's stubbornness, it was either that or he killed her and used her brain for the machine. He and Frank had been getting on his nerves, more than ever.

"How is Claire adjusting?" I asked.

"She's doing perfectly well. She actually likes what I did for her." He said. He is lying. When Claire woke up, in her new life she had wanted to kill Myrnin for months. She even went to Oliver to ask him to kill him. He would've, if I hadn't stepped in. It had been 69 years in her new life and she wasn't getting any used to it.

"Your lying." I said.

"Of course I'm not! She's just upset I didn't change her friends, that's all. She will get over it." He said.

"She's lucky in a way, that she has Michael. Or she wouldn't have anyone to keep her company." I said, writing my signature on a form asking for less rules on human defending themselves.

"She has me." Myrnin said.

"Who she hates at the moment." I said. Myrnin shrugged. My phone buzzed and I pressed the button.

"Founder there's a girl, here who wants to see you." Bizzie said. Myrnin, jumping to conclusions disappeared out of the door probably faster than any vampire.

"I'll be down." I said. Getting up and leaving at a slower pace, down to the reception area.

"Amelie." Oliver said. He had pretty much forgotten Sarah Jane had ever existed. I turned around. "Have you finished those papers I sent you?"

The Lost Child (Morganville Vampires)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora