Chapter 14 - Cold Night

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Chapter 14 - Cold Night

(Y/N's POV)

My neck had something ice-cold around it. It was far harder to breathe. Yoongi broke the hug and grinned. He leaned next to my ear but spoke loud enough for everyone to hear.

"It's alright, Kitten, this one is far stronger. I understand that you didn't like the other one, it was a bit tacky anyways." his voice was low and alluring, but I managed to get out was a,

"Huh?" I put my hand up to my neck. No, no he didn't. I wouldn't have let him, but he did. My smile faded and turned into a look of distress. All the boys burst out in laughter except Namjoon. This one had a bell on it. I looked Yoongi dead in the eyes and rushed to the bathroom. I pushed through the boys, the bell ringing as I moved. I ran to the bathroom that I saw when I went to the infirmary. The boys laughed and followed me. They were obviously amused by my distress, except for Namjoon he was in the back. Not laughing, not joking. Just there. I flicked on the light and got really close to the mirror. The collar had words on it. It read, "Property of BTS", I then looked at the bell and felt weak when I saw what was on it.

"Min Yoongi's kitten" I mumbled, I immediately started to pull at it. It literally made my fingers turn red from how cold it was. My stitched finger screamed in agony.

"Oh, Kitten when are you going to learn that you belong to us until your Aunt pays every single-" I stopped pulling on it. My anger and sadness had come rushing back. All the horrible memories. Jungkook and Taehyung kidnapping, Jungkook slamming me into the floor, Yoongi "punishing" me, Hiding from Taehyung, Jin screaming at me, cutting my finger. The list just goes on, and on. My aunt, my poor Aunt is probably worried sick. I'm still so hungry. I'm tired. I'm hurting. Am I broken, though?

"Kitten, what's wrong? Don't like the collar?" He teased in a sadistic way. The boys were no longer laughing but waiting to see what I would do. I got up and walked passed him. I looked dead. The others moved out of my way. I staggered to the stairs and glanced back at them, they were all looking confused, even Yoongi. I continue to falter up the stairs and down the hall, I turned the corner but saw a room open. I walked towards it curiously, my emotions from that whole situation ever so slightly fading away. It was a red room, but it didn't look like a bedroom but an office. I walked in, it was very spacious. The desk was wood, its coloring was smooth and dark. It complimented the room. It was well organized, papers were stacked in neat piles. There was a cup full of something on the desk. I ran my hand over the desk until I hit the cup. I picked it up and smelt it. My eyes widened and I turned my head to see that I found what may save my entire night. I walked over to a dark cabinet that had a glass window and inside had some beautiful bottles of whiskey, soju, beers, and some others I didn't know.

"Oh my god, I'm saved." I look down and see the key in the cabinets lock. I quietly open it and grab the whiskey and soju bottle, but I stopped. I remembered rule 7, I would be in a lot of trouble if they found out. I sighed, thinking before I came to a conclusion. "Fuck it, and fuck them." I popped a bottle of whiskey and just drank it out of the bottle. It burned going down, but it felt so good. "Cheers to being hurt..."

(Namjoon's POV)

"What the hell just happened?" Jimin asked. He got a death glare from Jin for cursing.

"I think we're breaking her. She switches moods so quickly, don't you think?" Taehyung said in a slightly sad tone.

"Hey, the sooner we break her, the better it will be for all of us." Yoongi pipes up, saying what everyone was thinking in the back of their minds. I just stared at the stairs. The way she looked back at us, it kept replaying in my mind.

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