Chapter 15 - Control

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Chapter 15 - Control

(Y/N's POV)

 I groaned, my head, pounding so aggressively. "Aww man, I shouldn't have drank anything last night." I groaned as I rolled out of bed onto the ground. Man, how did I get back to my room? I drank, I celebrated my misery, and from then on it's black. I groggily changed my clothes. I made my way to the door. I opened it but ended up on the ground."Fuck" I whispered. I got up, but heard light yelling.

"What were you fucking thinking??" I heard Jin yell. Who was he yelling at? I managed to lean on the wall next to the office I entered last night.

"I don't know, it just happened, I couldn't say no." I heard Namjoon groan. What are they talking about?

"You couldn't say no? That's your fucking excuse!" Jin seemed so mad. I was shocked to hear him say curse words.

"Why do you care so fucking much?" Namjoon shouted. He sounded angry as well. Wow What happened? My head started to throb so hard. I whined. I opened the door and again hit the ground.

"Y/N!" Jin rushed towards my side, panicking at my horrible state. I grabbed his armand just held on.

"Jin.. Oppa.. save me, my head hurts so bad. Save me from my own mind." Jin sighed in relief.

"Consider this punishment for breaking rule 7." Jin said. I looked at him and groaned.

"Fine. I'm gonna start hitting my head on the wall to distract me from the pain." I announced. Jin laughed and so did Namjoon. I turned towards the wall then glanced at them. "Your last chance to change your mind." Jin only laughed as Namjoon sat in the chair behind the desk. I started to hit my head against the wall. I hit my head about four times, until I felt 4 hands grab my shoulders. I looked up at Namjoon and Jin who had concern written all over their faces.

"What the fuck were you thinking!?" Namjoon yelled, I then saw something, I was outside in the cold, and heard Namjoon yell that at me. I snapped out of my trance.

"I told you I would do it." but unfortunately it made my situation worse. I felt really really nauseous. I got up basically pushing them back and ran towards my room. I ran into the bathroom and quickly knelt in front of the toilet. The next 20 minutes consisted of throwing up all of the disgusting poison in my body and leaning against the wall, covered in cold sweat. When I finally has the energy to stand up, I walked out and still felt horrible. Namjoon was sitting on my bed, and looking at me.

"Are you alright, Princess?" I rolled my eyes, all of their fake concern was getting so old and annoying. "Princess, we have an event tonight that's pretty big." His talking hurt my head. I wish he would stop. I looked over at the curtain. I rubbed my eyes. "You're going to be going with Yoongi. He'll be with you the whole night." I snapped my head towards him.

"Wait what!? I don't want to go with him! I don't want to go in general. Can't I go with like Jungkook or Jin?" He calmly stood up and crossed his arms.

"No, you're going with Yoongi, and that's final. So you two better learn how to fucking get along." His voice turned stern and commanding. I hated it. My head was hurting from the raising of voices all this morning.

"I don't want to, I'm not going and you can't make me." I pout and cross my arms, I turn away from him, showing him I won't listen anymore.

"Damn it, Princess, stop being childish. You don't get a choice. You're going and you are going with Yoongi." he grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. "You're not the boss around here, and you had better learn that quick." he hissed.

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