Chapter 19 - Make it Stop

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Chapter 19 - Make it Stop   

 (Y/N's POV)

The room is so cold. The thick scent of blood filled my nose. I felt hands grab me. They were on my stomach, legs, arms, and neck. I tried to move but the hands only tightened. They moved around, switching spots. I tried to kick them, but it only made it worse. The hands turned to chains. I cried for help, but nobody came. The room got colder, and the smell of blood got worse. Blood started to pour from the walls, it dripped from the ceilings. It was thick and hot, making the room extremely humid and hard to breathe in. I saw a man emerge from behind a curtain,

"Please help me! I don't know what's going on!" I cried out. My shouts were loud but muffled by the blood. The man walked closer, and I noticed immediately who it was.

"Why should I help you? I begged you for mercy and you let them drag me away. You let them murder me. You're a murderer!" He screamed. I tried to cover my ears, but the chain hands held my arms down. He kept screaming that I'm a murderer. People started to run towards me, then dropped like flies. Men in black with huge guns shot them down without hesitation. The people, they said it was my fault. So many voices, so many people dead. I was soaked in blood. I screamed, cried for help, but they were all muffled and almost unheard.

"You're a murderer. You killed us. You are why we are dead. All of our families will blame you." They all kept saying, chanting almost.

"Baby, wake up." I heard someone call. The shooting got louder, more people fell. The blood was pooling and rising quickly.

"Baby please, wake up." The blood was getting higher, but I was being shaken. My eyes shot open and saw someone grabbing my shoulders. I screamed even louder, tears pouring from my eyes.

"I didn't do it, I'm not a murderer, I wouldn't kill anyone." I struggled with whoever it was, but they grabbed my arms and hugged me. His scent intoxicated me, making me stop struggling.

"Baby, calm down. You didn't kill anyone. You're not a murderer." I cried, his words didn't mean anything. He's probably killed thousands of people.

"Jimin, they said I did it. They said I murdered them. I'm not a murderer, I didn't do it." I kept crying. Jimin put his hand on my cheek, making that man flashed through my mind. I screamed and pushed him backward. He hit the floor with a loud thud. Reality kicked in and I realized what I had done.

"Jimin, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Jimin stood up and got close to me. "Jimin I'm sorry, I-I really didn't mean to." I thought he was going to hit me, but instead, the bed dipped, and he sat down. He pulled me over and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Baby, I don't know what you're going through, but I would never get mad at you for something you couldn't control." He put his arm around me and gently pet my hair in a soothing way. I was tired, though Jimin looked wide awake.

"Jimin, I'm tired." He looked down at me, moving his hand to my back and rubbing in circular motions.

"I'll leave then, try to sleep well." He took his arm away from me and I felt scared, scared because of my dreams. He got up, looked at me, then turned.

"Jimin." I grabbed ahold of his shirt sleeve. He turned towards me. "Please, don't leave. I don't want to be alone." He got to eye level with me, scanning my face for something.

"What do you want me to do?" I thought to myself. What could he do? NO, Y/N not that, almost anything but that. Will you be able to live with yourself if you do it? He's murdered, people.

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