The Past Revealed: Part 2

Start from the beginning

(Y/n):"Let me stop you right there.  First lets sit down before we continue."

We both sit down on opposite sides of a table looking at each other in a moment of awkward silence.

(Y/n):"What are you waiting for?  What do you want to know?"

Maya:"First of all about your home"

(Y/n):"I grew up in a small house next to a barn, it was a poor district"

You remember that retched house, remembering every morning waking up to that same disgusting ceiling fan at four in the morning to start doing your chores.

Maya:"And your father?"

A six year old (Y/n) was being dragged by his father to the barn door, as you were crying your eyes out.

(Y/n):"No dad, please I don't wan't to go, I'll be good I promise"

Your father without saying a word throws you into the barn, locking the door as he left you in there.  You were left there all night cold, scared, and alone.

(Y/n):"He was a cold man of few words"

Maya was starting to figure out that you grew up in an abusive household.

Maya:"Oh, did he hurt you?"

(Y/n):"No.........that would be my mother?"

A five year old (Y/n) was sitting in the corner holding onto his blanket in fear as you can hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, knowing that she was either drunk or on drugs looking to wail on something or someone.

Maya was starting to see that you were becoming more and more distant as you were talking.  Maya knew that you were abused she found photo's of you bruised in the file.

Maya:"And your brother"

A eight year old (Y/n), beaten and bruised, was holding a seven year old boy who looks similar to (Y/n), this was your little brother (B/n) and he was crying onto your shoulder.

(B/n):"Why do they hate us (Y/n)"

(Y/n):"I don't know, but I promise that things will get better"

(B/n) holds onto you as he cries harder.

(B/n):"I just want the pain to stop, it hurts"

(Y/n):"I know, It's going to get better "

This was the last thing you would ever say to him as you both fall asleep.  Waking up to expecting to see the ugly ceiling fan but to your horror you found-



Maya:"(Y/n), I'm so sorry"

(Y/n):"It's fine, honest"

Six year old (Y/n):"Please, Help me"

You say as you give the fake smile that you've been giving people for as long as you remember.

Maya:"Listen, (Y/n) we can stop"

(Y/n):"No it's fine"

Five year old (Y/n):"Please Stop, it hurts"

Maya get's up feeling that she was asking too much of (Y/n), even if he's not showing it.

Maya:"No it's fine I'll go"

(Y/n):"Of course, your a teacher, you have things to do"

Eight year old (Y/n):"Please don't leave me, I don't want to be alone"

You escort Maya to the door opening it for her, for once being a gentleman but not out of chivalry but was to get Maya out of the room as fast as possible.  But before you closed the door Maya decided to have a few parting words before she leaves.

Maya:"(Y/n) if there's anything you need, any problem that you have don't be afraid to talk to me"

Six year old (Y/n):"I'm cold"

Five year old (Y/n):"I'm in pain"

Eight year old (Y/n):"I'm all alone"

(Y/n):"I'm fine"

With that being said you close the door as you walk to your desk,  as you sat down you already could feel yourself crying.

(Y/n):"God damn, I thought I was over this already"

You never were over it, you were just so used to hiding the pain that you even hid it from yourself, never letting the wounds heal.

Jarvis:"Sir, I know it's a bad time but someone is calling you"

(Y/n):"Just put it to voicemail Jarvis"

Jarvis:"Sir, it's about your father"

You pick up your phone expecting the voice of your father but was shocked to hear an unfamiliar voice on the other end.

???:"Hello, Hello is this (Y/n) (L/n)"


???:"Well I'm Doctor Hampton, and I'm sorry to inform you but your father has Pancreatic Cancer"

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