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"What are we going to do Graves?" Asked Mike, as usual,

"I don't know."

"We better know something man!"

"We'll know when we need to know."

Merrill and Mike were doing their Merrill and Mike thing again as Graves held the accelerator to the floor, hauling ass around the curves of Palos Verde Drive, tires squealing as the blackness of the tower descended around them. Graves turned on the headlights on the van as the black curtain pulled down over the mid-afternoon sky, blotting out all light and leaving them cold.

Then Kenny said, "We're gonna go in the back door."

"Yeah, and then what?" said Mike.

"Look, Mike!" said Merrill,

"We don't have time for your paranoid bullshit, we have to create a distraction, in fact, a lot of distractions and I don't know what that will be yet, anybody got an idea?"

There was silence in the van as everybody was trying to think of something to do and then they rounded the bend that made the church visible and they saw for the first time the giant black globe turning in its hideous fashion above the steeple of the black paned building. Emma exclaimed,

"Holy Mother of Christ, get a load of that!" Then Race,

"Jeesus K-riste,"

then Mike,

"God help us".

Merrill just looked, jaw agape, not believing his eyes, speechless, then Parker confided,

"That is the essence of them, that is the heart of the monster," and Beth held her tightly and stroked her head,

"Are you sure, baby?"

"You know this is how it must be Mommy."

"I know baby, I know, I'm so frightened for you."

"Go to daddy, mom."

"No baby, not this time, I have to stand alone this time, I have to keep myself together."

"That's good, Mommy," and she hugged her tightly,

"Your still not alone."

"I know, baby."

Then Merrill Graves was hard on the brakes as the van nose dived to a rapid slowing to make the driveway in front of the Diamond Cathedral. He pulled in and they saw the crowd surrounding the church, leaving room for them to maneuver in. Graves pulled the van to the back of the lot and parked. Everyone was pulling on jackets and getting ready to get out, Merrill jumped out and went around pulling open the large sliding side door and everyone piled out.

Graves said, "C'mon" and headed for the back door. They made their way through the crowd of onlookers saying, "Excuse me, pardon me, excuse us" until they found a clear spot on the surrounding landscaping they could make their way on.

They got to the back of the church and made it to the door. Merrill looked around and was amazed that there was nobody around, he felt like a player in the third act, like it was a script and they had to write it this way so nobody would be there to see them. It was just a little too easy. He tried the door and sure enough, it was still ajar.

Voices or the Dethroning of GOD #TNTHorrorContestWhere stories live. Discover now