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D'Artagnan and the three musketeers were traveling south on the 5 toward L.A.. They all felt like they were on a great adventure, a quest if you will. The gallant crew driving toward an unknown fate on the mysterious intuition of a child.

They all felt armed. Beth by the presence of her husband's spirit and intuition, Mike by the discovery of himself, felt stronger than ever, Merrill by the forgiveness granted him and Parker by the power given her by Palomine and her own specialness. They were a unit, there was a oneness to them and together they would live or together they will perish.

Now they were on a mission from a higher viewpoint, a bigger game was about to take place. A game bigger than had been on this planet in a very long time, Parker remembered,

"Oh yes, you know me, but it was a long time ago."

Palomine's voice rang in her head, she had an idea about what he was saying, but not really. But she felt like she did know him, he seemed familiar but a lot of people seemed familiar to her, like Mr. Graves, when he picked her up and took her up stairs the first time, she thought she knew him but she knew he had never been there before, but as time went on he seemed more and more familiar. In fact, Mike seemed familiar too. It seemed to her like they had all been together before, some...time, some...where, but she could not think when.

Sometimes the knowing thing crossed her up and confused her, sometimes she knew things that didn't make sense, like it was part of something she didn't know anything about, they were like vague pictures, her view of something large that she didn't recognize but would know where it was, or what color it was, sometimes in her dreams she would see a giant round black thing and she didn't know what it was but she knew it had something to do with the meanness that was happening and she could feel it pushing her away, as if they were two poles of a magnet, propelling each other away.

She knew about the Child's man but she didn't really know what she knew, besides where he was, well not exactly where but the direction, they were going the right direction and she knew he was connected to all the mean people and she also knew she would know more later.

Merrill was driving, he felt like a time traveler, like he was driving out of the past, out of yesterday and into tomorrow and tomorrow they would see what was next. He felt a certain comfort with his new friends even though they didn't seem new, it seemed to him he had known them forever and even though he knew there was danger ahead for all of them there was some weird sense of excitement. Of even fun and exhilaration. He thought to himself "Exhilaration, excitement and danger equals fun" he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" inquired Beth.

"Oh, I was just thinking."

"Thinking what, share the giggle."

"It may not be that funny to you guys."

"Try me, come on, it's too quiet in here."

"I was just thinking that this is kind of fun."


"Well, kind of, you know, exhilaration, excitement and danger equals fun, right?"

"Well, now that you mention it, I am having a good time."

Beth was sitting in the front as passenger. Her arm out the window her hair blowing in the wind, Merrill thought she was beautiful.

"You're beautiful, do you know that?"

Beth didn't know how to react to that, she paused for a moment,

"Oh gosh, Mr. Graves, you sure know how to make a girl blush."

"No, really, I'm glad I know you."

"Well believe it or not, I'm glad I know you too."

"We're just a couple glad guys huh."


"Yess." Parker spoke up from the back seat.

"Yess, Mom, yes, I'm glad to know you."

"You're right sweetie, yes, Merrill, I'm glad to know you."

"I'm glad to know Mr. Graves and Mike too. He's sleeping, he must be very tired."

"No, I'm not, I'm eavesdropping man, I'm glad we all know each other, really, you're all beautiful to me."

And they all started talking about what a beautiful day it was as they approached the foot of the Grapevine to climb out of the low desert of Bakersfield to the San Fernando Valley and finally the City of Angels.

Merrill thought it was very appropriate that they were heading into the City of Angels to hunt down demons. He raised his voice,

"All for one."

And the reply came,

"And one for all."

Voices or the Dethroning of GOD #TNTHorrorContestWhere stories live. Discover now