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Madeline was completely intrigued, she had never heard of Jonathan Childs before but she found herself compelled to assist him and now his name was on the lips of America. That man, the newscaster who died feeding her that message, she didn't know what to think of that, but there was something she did get out of it besides the message itself. She felt the power. The kind of power that controls, the kind of power that commands and can't be refused. That was kind of power that Gods were made of.

Madeline was very familiar with that kind of power and the corruption you could buy with it. Absolute power corrupts absolutely and that was a delicious concept to Madeline. She was going to tap into this power somehow, she could feel it in her bones. She had called the hotel but this man they called, Preacher refused to speak to her on the phone, in fact, he demanded to see her in person. The gall of him, she thought,

"Who does he think he's talking to!"

Still she knew instinctively that this was her moment, this was her time. She didn't know exactly what that implied but she was going to find out. She was now on her Lear on the way to L.A. to meet Mr. Childs and find out what her payment was going to be for her part in this greatest of all escapes and to get her share of the absolute power.

Voices or the Dethroning of GOD #TNTHorrorContestWhere stories live. Discover now