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        Madeline was pissed, but moreover, she was in awe of Jonathan and his powers. Although it would have been nice to know that the man who was fathering her child had no tool,  she didn't think that was too much to ask.  He might have said something before she got all worked up, at least, but he didn't really give a damn if she knew it, or liked it or not.  But she didn't think she was going to laugh at him again, at least not too soon.

            She still was fascinated at the ease of which he pinned her to the wall, it was so fast, she reached behind her head to feel the knot that had grown there. She knew she could tame him, but she wasn't sure just how to start.  She supposed she would have to wait a while because apparently he was going to be very busy, plus, she figured it would be a good idea to let the baby make itself known a little before she tested her power.  She didn't think he would harm his holy child.

            Also there was still plenty of organizing to do and money to spend and promotional materials to be produced.  "Yes,"  she thought, "Even if he isn't Jesus Christ, he'll do just fine"            .

            Then shortly after their spat she followed him out to the assembly hall to stand by as he gave his congregation their services.  It was the oddest sight in her life, 300 yuppy guys calling out in unison "To the Player!" and waiting in line to step up and cut off their own fingers.

            It was at the very least the most morbid scene she had ever witnessed. There was blood everywhere, getting on the clothes that just cost her about a hundred K and some of them were laughing and slapping each other on the back with their good hands.

            It was like they were at a goddamned basketball game or something, like cutting off their finger was fun, but then she began to see the genius in it, the cunning manipulative aspect of it and she had to admire Jonathan again, because in this morbid, hellish atmosphere, with each scream of pain and howl of insane laughter was a way of locking these fools together, in a common bond that only they could understand.

            She knew if you threw people together under extraordinary circumstances, especially painful ones, ones with very vivid pictures that could only be understood by those involved that those people would share a common reality that would be unexplainable to those who had not had the experience.

            This was a bonding process, a very powerful bonding process that would keep these men together, but she still couldn't believe he convinced them to do it.  She had a hard time believing that she had any part in it herself.  She still didn't know how they got out of that prison or how they managed to get away undetected.

            There were still things about Jonathan's powers that she had to find out about, to learn, to discover and use to her own advantage, she was patient.  She would bide her time and carry this baby, but she knew the time would come when she would be in control.

            She just knew it.

Voices or the Dethroning of GOD #TNTHorrorContestWhere stories live. Discover now