One-Shot #18: Sincerely, Parker (Pbomb)

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"Tell them all I know now

Shout it from the roof tops

Write it on the sky line

All we had is gone now"

Third Person POV:

Liam was the kind of person you love, but hate so much at the same time. And Parker could relate most to those feelings. The soccer champion wasn't all he seemed on the outside- Parker knew him. Knew him better than anyone, and it hadn't always been this way.

Now a days, Parker was reserved and quiet, keeping to himself unless talked to (and when he was it was usually someone throwing insults, or picking at him). When he was younger, he was funny and happy and energetic and now you'd be lucky to hear one word from his mouth. And it was Liam's fault.

It hadn't always been this way between them though, in fact, they grew up best friends. Even as children, they were complete opposites because Liam took a keen interest in sports while Parker was more nerdy and liked computers and games. But they compensated.

Every one of Liam's soccer games Parker would be in the crowd cheering and Liam always joined Parker at his robotics club, letting the boy go on and on about things he never understood. And they learned from each other. Liam learned all his computer skills from Parker, while Parker learned his small athletic abilities from Liam and the vigorous "training" his friend had made him go through over one summer.

They were both popular and liked, but when high school came, Parker realized he was different from the other other boys. And after two years of waiting, he finally was able to admit to himself that he was gay.


- A few months earlier -

"Liam, we're friends no matter what right?" Parker asked his brunette friend nervously, playing with his hands. They were seated in Liam's basement, watching tv when Parker (who had been thinking about this for hours) finally opened his mouth and spoke to his friend.

"Yeah, why?" Liam replied casually, not breaking eye contact with the screen.

"Really? Your promise?" Parker drawled frustratedly at Liam's disinterest.

"Yeah, why," Liam answered slowly, now breaking his gaze with the tv and sending Parker a questioning look.

"Look, I know this sounds crazy, but I'm gay," Parker said in a small voice and a palpable silence filled the room, and a certain tension was growing between the two. But they didn't break eye contact.

"S-so?" Liam asked, but his voice was shaky and unsure.

"What, are you scared of me now?" Parker asked, standing, his tone raising.

"No- no-" Liam said quickly, holding up his hands and standing as well, blocking Parker's only escape. "Why tell me now?" Liam asked.

Parker was silent for a few moments, unsure of what to say. He knew Liam didn't hate him, that was a start and it sparked a small confidence in him.

"I...I like someone," he said carefully, not able to make eye contact, his gaze fixed on the plain rug with years worth of stains worn into it.

"What? Who?" Liam pushed, but Parker was obviously uncomfortable.

"Doesn't matter, I just wanted to be truthful," Parker lied, and some may not have realized, Liam saw right through him.

"Bullshit," Liam said, "I know you're lying so you think I'm stupid?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips his voice taking a sassy tone. Leave it to Liam to find a way to brighten any mood.

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