One-Shot #15: Eachother (DevonDoesTomakawk)

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A/N: ik I promised this a long time ago but personal stuff popped up and it's all cleared up now. C: just trying to rebalance my school work and writing now!

"I don't know where he's going, I don't know where he's been been. He is restless at night; He has horrible dreams." - Run: Daughter

Devon's POV:

My father died when I was twelve, and left me and my pregnant mom with nothing but devastation. A few months later, Lily was born. My mother spent a lot of time working, and at a young age I was forced to grow up and take care of her. When mom met her boyfriend, I thought things were looking up, until he got her pregnant and left. That's how I got my second sister, Alex. She's three years old now.

I'm a nineteen year old senior because I took freshman year twice because at first I missed so much of it because I was staying home to watch my sister.

This year was looking pretty bland, I was nothing special. I was looked down on as a burnout and lost cause because of my situation and because everyone knew I'd get drunk as possible whenever possible.

And then I met Julio, the intelligent freshman. We are complete opposites, he comes from a more wealthy family, and has only one brother. He lives with his grandma and mother because his father and grandfather died when he was younger. That's how I knew he'd understand. Of course, he'd never done anything rebellious in his entire life, and he was focussed on school, but only one thing mattered. Whether or not he was gay.

I'm sure people would hate me more if they knew I swung that way. They didn't know my father was dead, and that I had two sisters and that's where I went everyday when I walked home- not to go smoke pot or drink like everyone said and believed through rumors.

"Hey Devon," a voice caught my attention, it was Julio. I smiled and replied curtly, but his friend was dragging him away.

"Why are you talking to that lost cause?" He heard Julio's friend as rather loudly, looking back at me. I sighed, turning away. I wish people didn't instantly assume I was a horrible person. I acted like I did because of anxiety and depression, I didn't choose my life. I don't try to be a 'bad boy' it's just who I am.

"He's in my English class, and we sit together, that's all," Julio replied, and then their voices fading from my ears.

That's all. I sighed, swinging my backpack over my shoulder and beginning to walk down the sidewalk.


"I didn't understand anything he said," I mumbled to myself, burying my face in my hands and sighing.

"I...I could explain it," a small voice said and I looked over to see Julio looking back at me.

"Uh, yeah sure," I said, though in my mind I would have liked to have said "thanks, that'd be great," but it was like there was this wall of security that I just couldn't tear down. Never let people see our weaknesses because it just gives them something to strike at.

"Wanna come to mine after school than? Looks like your grade could use it," he said with an unsure chuckle. Is he afraid of me? I thought to myself, smiling, leaning over so my face was close to his. I saw his breath catch in his throat, and I'm sure if he could have, he would have moved away.

"Yes please," I said with a smile, and then the bell rang and I retreated, packing my bag, "thanks," I added quietly, hoping no one heard.

"You're welcome, meet me outside after school," he said, and I nodded, watching him walk from the classroom and meet up with one of his friends. I sighed, why do I even try?


I could see Julio standing by the flagpole, his English textbook clutched tightly against his chest, his eyes slowly scanning over the crowds of people. Was he looking for me? Or just a pretty face? I'd never know, because as soon as I reached him, his attention turned to me.

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