One-Shot #16: What it is (TheCampingDolphin)

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A/n: sorry for the lack of updates, and why this isn't what you expected, read the note at the end for my explanation

- Lily

"Oh, it's just the way it goes."

Brayden's POV:

Six months can be seen in two ways. A long amount of time, or simply a blink of an eye. For me, it felt like an eternity ago, and I had spent these past few months with my boyfriend, Ryan.

I still remember the night of our first kiss, every little detail molded in my mind so I couldn't forget it even if I tried.

I was broken because of him.

- 1 week earlier -

"Love you, see you later," Ryan said quickly, hugging me and pecking my lips, before rushing out the door before my parents entered the house.

I was dazed from my time with him, our simply talks to our make-our sessions; all of it left me feeling like j was above the world. Like he was my own personal drug.

He had first said "I love you" last week, and hadn't stopped since. Every time my heart beat so much faster and j felt my pulse race. I loved him too.

I just didn't know where he was always in a rush too. Everyday he always left, and I don't know why he would be running from my parents, they've long since known about him.

"Hey, party tomorrow at Mitch's, wanna come?" I read the text from Ryan that had just appeared, not

knowing that the party would be something I'd regret going to.

- Party -

I entered with Ryan, but as soon as we were inside, he kissed me and walked off to his friends. I sighed at his behavior. It was strange. He was usually a more "hugs and kisses" type of guy who likes cuddling, and now all of a sudden he was hanging around with all these new people ever since he had made the hockey team.

They were changing him, and I knew they were. And I shouldn't have ignored it.

"Hey Brayden! What's up?" I heard Mitch ask as he approached me, I knew he could tell I was sort of down, but he didn't say anything. The concern in his eyes is what gave him away.

"Nothing much, Ryan's just been acting weird," I told him.

"Oh, ignore him, who cares?" Me! "cmon, come dance with us maybe it will cheer you up."


"Ryan what the fuck!" I yelled, "what are you even on!?" I exclaimed. He was high. Unlike the usual simple weed, it was something more. Crack? LSD? I'd never know he was too out of it at the moment.

"Leave me alone!" He replied, but his eyes couldn't meet mine, instead darting all over the room.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you letting people influence you into doing these things?" I cried, but he ignored me. No matter how hard I tried to talk to him, he just ignored me, or barely replied.

Finally, I left in tears, unsure of what to do next.


"You what!?" I screamed.

"She kissed me first!" Ryan argued.

"So you fucked her? Were you planning on even telling me that you cheated, or did you purposely just let kne of your friends tell me. Because I'm just a joke, and I'm done."

A/N: IDEK what this shit is sorry I'm so tired and worn out and yeah. Way better one shot containing smut coming soon, I just really wanted to update, but the real motivation wasn't really there.

EXPLANATION: I don't know if I've ever really mentioned it, but I do/did have a boyfriend named Anthony. Were on a "break" as he likes to call it but I don't think we'll be getting back together. We went to a party and I found out he was snorting crack with his new friends from the football team. Not only that, but he hooked up with some girl named Crystal (I've never even met her so I won't judge her) and his best excuse was "she kissed me first" and HE had the audacity to tell me that we should take a break because he was annoyed with me trying to "control" him. Sorry I don't want you to OD ON CRACK STUPID MOTHERFUCKER. I mean, cmon, I'm a junior in high school, I'll admit I've done weed once or twice, but you can't die from that!! And he's getting drunk way more often than he should. He's seventeen!  Just done :( sorry guys I guess I've just been tired. We were together for six months, and I'm starting to wonder if the fairy tale was too good to be true. When we met, he was such a gentlemen, and he still is its just drowning in the "jock" part of his personality and his need to fit in. I'm happy with my 8 or 9 friends, I don't wanna be popular and I'm not gonna kill myself trying to be. His mother would be so ashamed with him, he didn't even tell her we broke up. She called me yesterday asking me if I wanted to come over for dinner and i had to explain to her in tears that me and Anthony were really dating anymore. She was shocked! Anyways rant over I'm sorry guys I've just been so down lately.

I just wish I'd never told him that j loved him. He literally started telling me a week before we ended too.

- Lily

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