One-Shot #8: Fake It (DevonDoesTomahawk)

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A/N: Ik I have like three requests to do, but I couldn't help myself with this one due to Devon's recent video 'I am Pansexual'. I 100% support him and I think he was very brave for coming out to us like that. (Though all the comments about Joey are rude D:) Since he said he's actually had a few boyfriends before, I was inspired to do a one-shot with him in the ship, and what better ship that involves Devon other than DevonDoesTomahawk?? like c'mon people the ship sails itself!

This in the one-shot where Julio fakes being straight and Devon sees right through it ;)

"Bye byeeee biiii bisexuality is a thingggg...this is my last mint!" - Devon_Mines 2014 <3

- Lily

PS: The song is Fake It by Seether, and when I heard it, it gave me this idea XD (It actually really fits the theme so give it a listen c:)

PSS: Lizzie in this one-shot is not Lizzie as in LDShadowlady. I was actually referring to a bitch in my life hehehehe c:

"Just fake it if you're out of direction, fake it if you don't belong."

Devon's POV:

I walked into the house with my two friends by my side, Kat and Julio. Now you see Kat was the girl who was hard to make friends with because she was very specific to the types of people she got along with, as for Julio; he was a totally different story. He acted like nothing was wrong, but I could see right through him. He was a faker and he was trying to be something he wasn't. And what is that? Straight.

But that wasn't the most important thing at the moment.

"Come on Julio, this party is gonna be great, I bet Lizzie is here!" Kat squealed, grabbing his arm and dragging him into the crowded living room. I sighed, shaking my head. He could pretend all he wanted, but I knew Lizzie would never interest Julio in the way he wanted her to. I followed them closely as they entered the kitchen- and I felt more like their babysitter than their friend. Neither of them was old enough to drink, and the only reason I tagged along was to make sure they didn't. Well...and because I didn't want Lizzie and Julio to become a thing.

It was obvious the girl had a thing for him, but I knew he didn't feel the same way. She was just a cover up, something to make people not question him twice. He's scared.

"You sure that's a great idea Kat, she's probably drunk," I intervened, and the red-head rolled her eyes, scoffing.

"Come on Devon, don't be a party pooper, who cares!" she asked, drawing out the 's'. "Anyways, I know true love when I say it!" she exclaimed. Yeah sure you do Kat, I thought to myself laughing.

"Yeah, yeah, sure Kat, whatever," Julio put in, pulling his arm from her grip. "We just got here anyways, and I haven't found any of my other friends yet.

"So we're not good enough?" I joked, putting my hands on my hips.

"Nope!" he said jokingly, making Kat giggle.

"Oh look, there's Chad!" she said dreamily, gravitating over towards where the jock was sitting with his friends, probably throwing a flirty hello his way. We both rolled our eyes at how easily she got distracted.

"She obviously really likes him, because Kat hates 99.9% of the population!" Julio broke the silence between us.

"Yeah, try telling her that. She almost gauged my eyes out the other day because of it!" I replied, making Julio chuckle.


The night went well until the slut- ahem...I mean Lizzie showed up. "Julio!" she cried in a fake voice, running over and pulling the boy into an exaggerated hug. It looked like her manicured nails were digging into his shoulder blades, and I wouldn't be able to stand getting any closer to the product infested puff on the top of her head she called hair. She smelled strongly of a feminine perfume that could make anyone's eyes water.

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