One-Shot #20: Words as Weapons (Kiani)

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A/N: I just had an idea for a sad Kiani fic and their cs:go stream made me wanna finish it. Sorry for you guys who don't like Kiani, I had a whole Straubee one-shot written and lost it, and I don't really wanna re-write it.

- Lily

Will's POV:

I met him through a friend of a friend of a friend, or more simply known as through a party I was dragged to by one of my friends. The host was a girl I'd met once in my life in high school, and if you met me then you'd had known that I was the most anti-social child ever who liked to spend more time on the computer. Honestly, now, it's still the same I just have Zach to drag me everywhere.

"C'mon, don't be such a pussy, its people, not monsters!" Zach exclaimed and I laughed.

"Yeah exactly that's the problem I think I'd prefer some monsters from under my bed right now," I sighed, leaning back on his bed. I met Zach my second week of college. Originally I signed up to be in a single dorm, but they ran out. They did have an empty two bed room though, so they gave it to me. Later on though, to my dismay, they moved Zach in with me. Now, a year later I'm grateful they did it.

He chortled loudly, probably attracting the attention of the entire hallway of dorms. His laugh was loud and infectious, that was the thing about Zach. He was a people person, and he was funny too. Than you have me the person who'd much rather prefer to crawl under their sheets and sleep alone.

"Shut up Will, maybe you'll find another friend other than me. I mean, I know I'm amazing," he paused to make a pose, "but you're gonna have to find someone else too. Maybe a special lady," he said, winking and I stared at him with a completely blank face.

"Remember Zach, I'm gay?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yup, I do," he laughed, "just making sure you're actually paying attention. Last time I said that you just nodded. Go put on something nice we're leaving in twenty," Zach said, not even giving me a chance to retort before he was throwing clothes at me. "There jeans make your legs look amazing! Wear them!"

"You're straight, remember Zach?" I joked bluntly and he just chuckled.

"I'm trying to help you bud, don't be mean," he pouted, but continued looking for clothes for me.


"He has an accent oh my god!" Mitchell, one of Zach's friends (who happened to be very loud like him) exclaimed, looking at me, intrigued.

"I'm British, if anything, all you guys have accents," I laughed.

"Okay, important question, do you think with an accent!?" He questioned.

"I think in my mind like I hear myself speak," I said, confused.

"He thinks in British! This kids awesome!"

"Why Zach, why?" I moaned. This was only one person I wasn't sure if I'd survive much more socialization.

"This is what it's like to have a conversation. Well...Mitch is a little-"

"A little? How about a lot," I interrupted him.

"A lot crazy. That's why we get along!" He said and I simply glared at him.

Later, I made the mistake of turning my back, and I'm almost positive Zach purposely took the opportunity to slip away. And if I hadn't run into anybody at that exact moment I would have left.

"Hi!" A feminine voice said, slightly slurred and a hand placed on my shoulder. I stiffened, turning to see a slightly drunk brunette using me for support. "I'm Alice," she hiccuped. Okay...maybe not just slightly drunk.

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