One-Shot #19: Break Free (TheCampingRusher361)

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A/N: just gonna start off by staying this is a piece from my creative writing class and took about a week to write (and is still unedited lol) all I did was change names and genders but I didn't really look into spelling and stuff. If there are any random names (Alex and Heather) or any he's and she's messed up just let me know.


- Lily

She was frightened. He could feel it in him like a dark oozing tar in the pit of his blackened heart, stirring and bubbling with the aspect of fear, the promise of something enjoyable. Not often did he succumb to the tempting fragrance of violence, but sometimes it was necessary. And during the times it was, he enjoyed and welcomed it like an old dear friend, broken and torn with battered limbs splaying out in a threatening posture in the colors of pain.

He was as easy described as a narcissistic jerk with a few mental diseases short of a maniac.
She was shaking now, her teeth chattering as if the coldest winds were blowing, her pupils dilated. The fear was emanating off her in waves and he could feel it. And he welcomed it like a blanket on a chilly day, allowing it to wrap around him in a certain security he found hard to come across.

The violence was necessary.

Or so it seemed to his narrow mind.

His facial features were rigged together, and it was as if the world had stopped revolving for a few moments as he finally parted his lips to speak.
"Scram," he spat, and without a word, she turned tail and scrambled away quickly.

"Man, what is your problem?"

Someone asked, and he looked over to see none other than a shaggy-haired brunette boy who looked like one of those lying rich kids who just loved to mess with people.

And instantly, the boy felt a fist in his face, his head reeling back. He wasn't a girl, and he was perfect fresh meet for a beating as he succumbed to the feeling of rage.

Brayden's POV:

I was just turning the corner when I saw it. I cringed as the sharp snap of a jaw filled the once loud hallway as a body flung back like a rag doll against the lockers with a thud.

The chatter quickly died as if someone had just flipped a switch, just silencing everyone around.

All motioned stopped for a moment, and my gaze fixed on the unmoving body of the boy and back up to the culprit. His face was red, the veins in his neck looking like they were ready to pop. His lip was pulled back just the slightest bit, like an angered wolf ready to attack. Ready to kill. His fists were clenched tightly to the point where his knuckles were white, his skin struggling under the pressure of his own grip.

Finally, as if realizing what had happened after the initial shock, I ran forward to the boys side. His face was already bruising, the dark purples and blues began to trickle over his pale skin. His eyes were lidded, but I could tell he was still awake. I heard his attacker struggle and finally it clicked.

"Ryan," I whispered softly, "Ryan why'd you do this?"


"Mitch...his name is Mitch and he is a grade bellow you," the principle said disinterested, her tone monotone. She leaned back in her chair that looked almost too big for her, the black leather seeming to envelope her bony form. "Care to annoy me any further?" She asked placing one of her manicured nails against the desk in a manor that showed she was waiting for me to leave.

"Well, it's been lovely talking to you Sarah-"

"Mrs. Woodley to you Brayden!" She snapped, "if I'm not mistaken, you already have a Saturday detention, would you like another?" She said, drawling the last few words, her eyes creasing. Her face was wrinkled with distaste and I quickly stood up.

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