One-Shot #24: Into the Dark (Kiani)

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A/N: despite any cliffhanger I give in this, this is the LAST part. One day, I may use these ideas for a story, idk, I don't know what you guys would wanna read :)

So basically this one wraps it up, and provides a little insight on what caused the attack that allowed Mitch and Zach to escape as well as a little background info on Will for everyone who was curious.

- Lily

"It's so quiet here,
And I feel so cold.
This house no longer,
Feels like home."

Will's POV:

I rummaged through the drawer of the house, looking for clues, any info. When I pushed the drawer closed, the force knocked a note down, and it fluttered to my feet. It was on an old, wrinkled piece of paper written in dark black ink that bled through to the other side.

"Billy, I'm heading back to house #23 on Cherry Lane, meet me there."

It read in messy script, and I remember that name. I remembered it loud and clear in my mind.

"Jordan!" I called, "I found something, come here!" I yelled to him, and I heard his feet pounding up the stairs.

"Babe, didn't I tell you to stay out of this room?" He asked, wrapping an arm around me and leaning his head on my shoulder.

"I know, but this is my past, I wanted to. And I found his note to Billy, who's probably dead. That idiot...he was the stupidest man ever, even before the apocalypse," I laughed dryly. "There's an address, they could be there," I said, leaning into his touch.

"So...even if our friends aren't there, there's others?" Jordan asked carefully, I could sense the hesitance in his tone.

"Yes, there is, there were a few," I said, kissing his lips softly, "c'mon, let's go get Brayden and get a move on. It's just becoming dark, and we have no idea where Cherry Lane is," I said, taking his hand, ignoring the memories this house brought back.

"Please no..." I whimpered, tugging weakly at the restrictions on my arms. "Not tonight, leave me alone tonight please," I begged. My wrists burned from the ropes wrapped tightly around them, and we're scabbed from the many times I had bled.

"Baby, don't fight it," he said, crawling over me, placing a hand on my face as he sat idly on my waist for a moment. I squinted my eyes shut, fighting the tears. "Look at me baby," he growled lowly, pinching my cheek. I sobbed quietly, opening my eyes partly, my vision blurred.

"Stop!" I tried to scream, but my voice was gruff and scratchy, barely audible. He began to slide my pants down and I stopped crying out, simply going numb to the pain.

I staggered slightly as I walked, grabbing on the wall for support, feeling slightly queasy from the memory.

I didn't even realize I was crying until Jordan wiped at my tears, giving me a sad smile. He hugged my to his side, keeping me close the rest of the way.

"You'll never have to go back now, I promise," he said, and I smiled, "and as soon as I get anywhere near him, Will, I'm going to blow him to bits," he said more harshly.

"Jordan...we can't attack them, they have many. More than just Billy. He has a lot of 'crew' as he likes to call them. Believe me plenty of his 'crew' had their ways with me," I shuddered. Jordan made an actual growling sound out of anger and I realized that I probably shouldn't have told him.

"I'm going to kill them, every single one!" He yelled, and I pulled myself away from him, slapping a hand over his mouth.

"Quiet idiot, take your anger out later, there's...things around. And we need to find Brayden," I scolded him and he sighed.

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