One-Shot #1: Noises (Kiani)

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Jordan's POV:

"Hop on TeamSpeak buddy I wanna record an sg with you!" Graser's voice came loudly through my headphones.

"Fine," I sighed, "But you've been warned, I might need to leave early...a friend is visiting today," I said, happy he couldn't see as my face turned a slight shade of red as I thought about my plans for today. My brother is out of the house for a few days so I finally invited over one of my best internet friends, Will. Truth is, I like him a little, (a lot), and just the thoughts of meeting him in real life sent shivers down my spine and made my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Who?" Graser asked curiously as I logged onto the server.

"Um, no one you'd know..." I hesitated, but told the lie. Of course Graser knew Will (aka Kiingtong) because the brunette British boy had participated in some of their uhcs and group events.

"Oh, ok," Graser brushed off the topic.

User joined your channel.

"Hey Straub!" Graser called as he joined our TeamSpeak lobby, "We're about to film an sg, wanna join?"

"Sure bro, why not?" he laughed. Oh god. Those two together, laughs combined, were the worst pair possible. If we want to get this sg filmed in one or two tries, this was not the ideal group. I was sure we'd end up wasting time with jokes and failed attempts- room was still messy!

We entered a lobby, and Graser did his typical intro, only introducing Straub and completely ignoring me for the first few minutes.

There was a knock at my door and I froze completely, not even thinking, quickly typing /kill and yelling, "Where'd that guy come from!  Great, I'm dead!" This caused them to start laughing, and I quickly pulled off my headset off and placed it down, forgetting to turn everything off.

I rushed to the door, running a hand through my sandy blonde hair once, did it look okay?  I didn't have much more time to worry before I was opening the door and there was Will, waiting with a suitcase in hand, smiling.

"Oh..h-hi Will!" I smiled awkwardly, internally yelling at myself.  You're being a complete dork! 

It was weird seeing Will in person after only skyping for what seemed like forever.  His brunette hair looked the same as it always, and his brown eyes seemed to be searching mine for the few moments of silence.

"Come in, come in, jeez I'm sorry I'm making you wait...this is's a lot to take in all at once," I explained as he walked inside, smiling at me.

"It's fine, I know what you mean.  I honestly never thought that this would actually happen!" he spoke softly in his accent and I couldn't help but notice how cute it was.  He dropped his bag down at the door and crossed his arms, looking at me.

"Well, welcome to casa de Bayani, nothing special, but hey, we have it to ourselves," I said excitedly, thinking about the week we had in front of us.  It was going to be so sad when he has to leave- no too far in the future.  You're overthinking things.

"It's fine, it's nice to get away from family for just a little bit, they sure can drive you crazy," he giggled, his cheeks tinting just the slightest pink- which was the cutest thing ever.

"Want something to eat?  You must be starving after your flights," I said, walking towards the small kitchen section.  We had a variety of left over take out, microwave meals, and a few random fruits.

"Uh, sure," Will replied.  Was this whole week going to be awkward?  Me and Will had spent hours talking, texting, playing and recording together, it just seemed odd that now we were having such a hard time talking to each other.  Was it because it was weird to both of them to meet face to face?

Just as I began to walk forward, my toe caught on the rug and I went toppling down- right on top of Will.  We both went crashing to the ground, and he let out a small surprised sound, grabbing at the air to hopelessly attempt himself to stop falling.  They hit the ground with a thud, and I found myself lying against his chest.  My face heated up as our eyes met.  I could feel his breath and I was sure he could feel my erratic heartbeat.  I was frozen, like a deer in headlights.

"I'm sorry...I-I..." I couldn't talk.  I could feel his hands pressed up against my chest, and his eyes were bearing into mine.  "I should just get up, I'm sorry," I said embarrassedly, beginning to stand up.  Will was speechless, and he opened his mouth like he was going to say something, but closed it again.

Before I could fully get back up, Will had reached up and grabbed the back of my head, "No..." he said simply, and I was confused, but then his face was leaning closer into mine, and I felt my eyes flutter shut as his lips finally pressed against mine.  It was a quick, short kiss, but it still felt as though it left me breathless.

"Will I...I don't..." I began to say, flustered by everything happening.

"I like you Jordan," he interrupted me, looking at me, his eyes searching for a reply.

"I like you too," I smiled softly, and stood, helping him up.  "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because, I thought you'd never like a guy like me.  I'm skinny and awkward...believe me people love to remind me," Will said sadly.  My eyes widened and I instantly took one of his hands in mine.

"Will, don't listen to any of them...they don't mean anything.  You're perfect the way you are.  You're perfectly awkward and your body is perfect, you're perfect," I gushed everything I'd been feeling for so long.  Instead of replying, he pressed his lips to mine for a second time, wrapping his arms around my neck.  I could feel him smiling into the kiss and I couldn't help but smile myself because I believe what I had said myself.

This kiss wasn't as short and innocent as the first, and moments later we found ourselves tangled up in each other.  My hands were sneaking under his shirt near his hips, my fingertips tracing over the soft skin.  Our lips were moving fervently together, and we stumbled backwards, my back colliding with a wall.  He held me there, taking my bottom lip In between his teeth, causing me to gasp softly, giving him entrance to my mouth.

I could feel him leading me back, towards my room.  The door was closed and he pressed me against it, kissing me roughly.  It had become sloppy and desperate and I reached down, opening the door, my other hand clutching a fistful of his dark brunette hair.

My eyes opened for a moment, meeting with his striking, dilated ones.  We crash back on my bed and he let out a small grunt, burying his face in my neck.  I tilted my head back, feeling him leave a trail of soft kisses from my jaw to my collar bone, searching for a weak spot.  When he found one, I let out a breathy moan, clutching the fabric of his shirt tight.

Will continued this, leaching sounds out of me as I writhed.  Suddenly, he stopped for a moment, looking behind him, as if he expected to see someone behind him.

"I thought you said we were alone," he breathed out.

"We are-" I started, but then I heard it.  The laughing...coming from my headset.  In a sudden panic, I pushed myself up, rushing over to my computer.  I shook the mouse, waking up the screen.  I will still in an active TeamSpeak lobby.

" 'I'm just having a friend over!' " Graser was imitating me to Straub, and the two were laughing.

"Ohhh," Straub let out a fake moan, "Having fun over there Jordan?  Get some!" he yelled, breaking into another series of laughs.

"Are you guys serious?" I exclaimed, and the two of them started laughing even harder.

"So who's your...friend?" Graser snickered.

"Who are you talking to Jordan?" Will asked, looking over my shoulder, and I flinched, there goes not telling anyone.

"Will!?  Oh my God that makes it ten times better!" Straub chortled.

"Dude I have that all on recording.  Me and Straub are just casually celebrating my win on mcsg," I rolled my eyes, "And all of a sudden we just hear you two lovers crashing into your room like animals.  But the better question is, who was moaning," he laughed, and I looked back at Will and his embarrassed face matched mine, but we each had a little smile.

A/N: So this is my first one-shot, and idk, I thought it was kinda cute c: - Lily

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