CDTC One-Shot #3: Jingle Bell Rock Me (Grulio)

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A/N: this one was supposed to be at a school ball, Ik Ik hides behind eyes* Spencer influenced me I swear. Literally yesterday we sat down and wrote a bunch of these

- Lily

Sean's POV:

It took courage for the two of us to show up at the dance holding hands. Julio, my boyfriend of almost a year, could care less about what anyone thought, but I was nervous.

I squeezed his hand tightly, and he looked over at me, giving me a warm, reassuring smile.

As we entered, the loud music instantly entered my ears, and people were already dancing...not very innocently may I add. We when over to our friends were standing by the table which contained various forms of alcohol. It seemed very unfitting for a Christmas Eve party, but what do you expect from a group of teenagers.

"Hi!" Liam yelled excitedly, and from his actions I could tell he was drunk already.

"Hi Liam," I laughed while Julio rolled his eyes, dragging me over to the others.

Ryan and Bee were sitting quite close may I note from first glance, and Parker was happily dragging a drunk Liam around while he yelled things at random people.

"The sad part is, he never remembers any of this, I need to get it on camera!" Zach said suddenly, jumping up and grabbing his phone, chasing after the two and weaving through the crowd.

"May I excuse them? They're idiots," Brayden chuckled as our gazes followed the train wreck of three, chasing each other around the living room of the house like young children.

"What a party," I joked, "sure doesn't feel like Christmas Eve, well other than the fact that it's like 3 degrees outside," I commented.

"Shut up you baby," Julio joked kiddingly, leaning in and kissing my nose. I almost flinched because I want use to public displays of affection, but I forced myself to smile instead.

Brayden must have noticed my discomfort, and poured us each a cup of beer into a red solo cup. To grab it, it forced us to drop each other's hands.

I drank the sour contents of the cup quickly, instantly feeling the light buzz. I didn't drink too often, so when I did, it took little to effect me.

"Loosening up yet Sean? It's a party, you need to have fun!" Brayden teased me.

"Yeah, fun," I shot back sarcastically, pointing to our three intoxicated friends laying in a heap on the floor, Parker rubbing his head.

"Exactly," Brayden nodded.


The night went well, and finally a Christmas song played over the stereo. Excitedly, I grabbed Julio and dragged him to an empty space.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock!" Zach sang (well screamed mostly).

"Dance with me?" I asked with a giggle, drawing Julio's attention away from out ridiculous friends.

"Okay," he smiled, and though it was hard to dance to such a different beat, we managed, probably looking so ridiculous in front of everyone.

But now I realized why Julio didn't care. People weren't staring, just occasionally looking, we weren't seen as odd or different, almost like we fit in just fine.

I leaned in and gently pressed my lips against Julio's. He was surprised, but brought his hands up to cup my face, kissing me while we swayed to the beat of the song.

A/N: this is super short in sorry :( I'm just really tired and it's late

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