One-Shot #23: Can't Take Me (Grasberryjam)

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A/N: the third (and final?) part to my short little one-shot series about the apocalypse. I know people wanted Gbomb for this, but I thought that this was little more suiting.

Also, it starts when they're all still together when they get attacked.

- Lily

"Never gonna give in,
Never gonna give it up, no
You can't take me, I'm free."

Zach's POV:

There was someone following us.

We realized it halfway through the night when we began to hear people around us, their footsteps too careful to be one of the dead.

We left everything but our bags, even leaving the remains of a fire. People were more dangerous than the guns now a days if you gave them the chance. The "bad man" was an example of the nicer ones, which proved a point.

We were running low on ammo, and we could hear the dead crunching the dead leaves around us. Will stayed glued to Jordan's side, holding his free hand every chance he got. Liam's little sister slept in his arms and Devon, Julio, and I walked in a bundle in front of us, leading everyone through the dark.

That's when the first shot ripped through the air. I heard them around me, their feet crunching irregular in the leaves crunching under my feet.

"Help!" I heard a little girl's voice screamed and I recognized it as Liam's sister. I rushed, grabbing her and pulling her away from the zombie, before it fell to my feet right in front of me.

I took a slow step back, my back colliding with something. I tried to turn around, but someone's hands wrapped around my face, a rag blocking my mouth.

I gasped desperately, loosing my grip on Lily as she was ripped away from my. I grabbed at the air in front of me, but my attempts were futile.

"Shhhh, quiet boy, stop struggling, don't fight it," the man who was holding me whispered and I angrily tried to elbow him, but someone else stepped in to help restrain me.

I could hear Devon screaming somewhere, as my eyelids began to droop. I made one last mood before I went still, my lungs aching for air.


I gasped harshly as I awoke suddenly, my hands bond behind me and my legs sprawled in front of me.

I was tied to a post.

"He's awake," someone said, and I opened my eyes, finding my eyes met with the face of a girl. "You took quite a nasty fall," she said and I gave her a questioning look.

"Where am I? Where are my friends!" I exclaimed and she looked at me sadly, looking behind her. There were three others behind her, each staring at me.

"We don't know. I suppose they captured you like they did us," one of the two guys said. There was also another girl, and my mind instantly went to Lily.

"Where's the little girl! I know they have her!" I yelled, pulling against my bonds.

"Here, let me help you out," the girl who had first spoken to me said, "she's here, she's here don't worry, she's behind Dul," she said to me as she untied me. "Sorry about the ropes, we just didn't know how'd you react when you woke. The people who keep up here didn't say anything, just threw you in here."

"I'm Mitch," one of the guys introduced himself. I snapped around, looking at him, expecting to see our Mitch standing there but I should have know instantly from the higher pitched voice that it obviously wasn't him.

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