One-Shot #10: Through The Screen (GraGra)

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A/N: it's now like two hours after I wrote the last one shot and I'm writing this one now so sorry if it's a little shorter I have really good ideas for my gbomb, dulani, and straubee one shots coming up, but just not this one! :c but I'm winging it and writing it as I go!

"When I'm with you, there's no place is rather be."

Sean's POV:

"Grape, you're supposed to be good at this and you died off of span!?" Graser exclaimed over my laughing. We had been trying to film an episode for Graser's channel and so far every attempt had been a fail. "This basically is going to get turned into a fail montage!" He laughed.

"It's like every good player is on right now!" I added, holding a hand over my mouth to suppress my giggles.

"And I died! Ugh!" Graser yelled, and I heard him banging his desk. I started laughing again until my stomach hurt and I was gasping for air. We typed /hub to try another attempt and Graser paused his recording. "Sean!" He whined, "I asked you because I thought you'd help me win first try!"

"Sorry Graser, I'm just a little distracted, we'll win next try I promise, then you can have fun editing that fail montage," I joked. A little distracted. Hah, that's funny. Lately every time I tried to record with him, I felt myself drifting off in my mind. Every little thing he did made me smile and I knew what was happening, and I wanted to avoid it.

I couldn't like Graser, he lives miles away and we've only ever com initiated through a screen. I'd never met him face to face, and at this point, I've never even seen his face. How could I like someone who's face of never seen? Maybe it supports the 'personality' means more aspect to falling for someone, but I just couldn't.

"Grape?" Graser asked, "hello buddy you kinda went silent!"

"Wha- oh sorry I was looking at my phone," I lied swiftly. He made an 'mhm' sound as if he didn't believe me, but I ignored it.

We won the next game we tried, but my commentary was distant and I didn't sound like myself. Graser noticed, and questioned me half way through.

"Grape, c'mon bud you can't leave me hanging, talk some, it's not that late where you are!" He exclaimed happily, but there was something else in his voice. Concern?

"Sorry Graser! I've just had a long day and- oh god! This guy is killing me!" I exclaimed, I king rapidly and killing the guy, sending it to death match.

In the end, I let Graser win and brag about killing me, outright the video, and as soon as he cut the recording his laughing stopped.

"Seriously Sean, what's up?" He asked. He was obviously serious or else he wouldn't have used my real name.

"There's just this person who's on my mind, and I know they don't like me, and I know long distance doesn't work out, but I still really like them. And I don't even know if they like me!" I ruled, letting everything I had been thinking over the past hour out. He was quiet for a few moments, before responding.

"Oh...I know how you feel. But I gotta go, bye," he said quickly, and before I could respond, I heard 'user left your channel' and he was gone. What was that about? I sighed, logging off of minecraft and turning off my computer, calling it a night.


Zach's POV:

"H! I'm an idiot! He poured his feelings to me and I just left! I know it's selfish because I was jealous. Jealous of the person he was talking about because he obviously cares a lot about them!" I told H sadly. Once he was sure I was done, he sighed.

"The only advice I think I could give you is you have to tell him how you did feel or he'll never know, he can't read your mind ya know," H said pointedly, and I knew he was right but I didn't want to face rejection. What is Grape never wanted to talk to me again? I didn't want to lose him as a friend as well because of stupid feelings!

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