Liked by @Katrinastuartofficial, @XepherWolf, and 6m others

@SamGolbach: Some serious shit happened this past few days. @Colbybrock and I will fill you in soon.

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@XepherWolf: Stay safe guys @SamGolbach @Colbybrock

@SamGolbach: Thank you @XepherWolf ♥️


Liked by @TaraYummy, @SamGolbach, @Katrinastuartofficial, and 4m others

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Liked by @TaraYummy, @SamGolbach, @Katrinastuartofficial, and 4m others

@JakeWebber: Goofy😝

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@TaraYummy: 😍 @JakeWebber


Liked by @SamGolbach, @DevynLundy, @XepherWolf, and 5m others

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Liked by @SamGolbach, @DevynLundy, @XepherWolf, and 5m others

@Katrinastuartofficial: I'm bored help me. @JordanGolbach @DevynLundy @XepherWolf.

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@SamGolbach: 😍🤤 @Katrinastuartofficial

After looking on Instagram for a bit Colby started to wake up. "Good morning babygirl." He says with his raspy tired voice. "Good morning Colbs." I whisper. "What do you want to do today." He asks. "I don't know" I reply back laying my head on his chest and closing my eyes. I am quickly pulled back to sleep by Colby playing with my hair until I hear a scream. I knew that scream anywhere it was Sam. I run downstairs and see Sam on the ground with blood everywhere. Colby and run over to Sam and Colby calls 911. "Sam can you hear me?" No answer. "Sam please, your one of the only things that matter to me please." I scream. I start to cry while holding him in my arms. He opens his eyes and puts his bloody hand on the cheek. "Jordan" he says weakly. "Sammy" I reply back sobbing. "Welcome to the prank wars" he whisper and smiles. I look over to Colby and he is laughing. I smack Sam and then rush upstairs and take a shower. I get out and then get dressed. I then lay in bed and go on my phone. I put my phone down after a while because my eyes were getting heavy. I fell into a deep sleep and I'm slightly woken up by the door opening. I smell Colby's cologne so I know it's him so I don't sit up. I feel the bed dip and feel his hand brush against me cheek before he kisses my forehead and puts the blanket on me. He gets up and leaves the room shutting the light off in the process. I wake up to Sam and Colby screaming at each other. "You hurt her Sam she never stays in bed this much and she won't even talk to me" "Whatever Colby your mad annoying"  "At least I don't keep secrets from her" he yells at Sam. "Colby shut the fuck up I am keeping that secret to protect her" "protect her from what the truth" he continues to yell at Sam. "You need to tell her about Bryan and Alyssa NOW." What about Bryan and Alyssa. Oh fuck I think I might know. This cannot be happening. I stomp to the door and open it to see Sam and Colby looking at me. Sam tries to rush towards me but I slam the door in his face. I sit on the couch in our room and cry. I hear a knock after a while. "Go away Sam" "it's not Sam" I open the door to see Colby and I hug him instantly and sob into his chest. "Shh shh it's okay babygirl." "What happened with Bryan and Alyssa Colby." I could see that he didn't want to tell me from looking into his eyes it was bad. "Bryan got Alyssa killed." My heart sank. She was my best friend. I wouldn't be who I am today without her. "How" I say faintly. "Bryan was driving drunk with Alyssa in the car and they crashed. Alyssa died on impact and Bryan has been in a coma for a week." That asshole ruined my life now took my best friend away from me. I should have never moved to LA if I was in Kansas she would have never gotten into that car with him. No this isn't my fault. STOP THINKING THAT. DAMN IT JORDAN.
"Baby..........Hello earth to Jordan" I suddenly snap out of day dreaming and hug Colby as he tightly hugs me in his warm embrace. Colby and I laid down and watched movies for the rest of the day and chilled out and ate junk food. I haven't talk to Sam since I slammed the door in his face. I don't want to talk to him. He didn't even have the balls to tell me my best friend died. We are twins we are supposed to be inseparable and tell each other everything but I guess he never wanted us to have that.  He has always kept shit from me whether it was something stupid or idiotic. Los Angeles changed him and I hate it. Colby didn't change for others but Sam did. This isn't that Sam I colby and I grew up with and I tend to get my twin brother back because the guy that Sam was right now was not the real Sam.

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