A blush was visible on his face "U-uh It suits you very well" he managed to say "Aw Thanks, you look great too!"

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A blush was visible on his face "U-uh It suits you very well" he managed to say "Aw Thanks, you look great too!"

A blush was visible on his face "U-uh It suits you very well" he managed to say "Aw Thanks, you look great too!"

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(A/N: Again please ignore the posses)

Ren thanked her. "Neo's asking if she can finally come out," said Ruby "Come out!" directed Nora.

"You look fantastic!" I admired "And it looks great with your umbrella" complimented Nora

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"You look fantastic!" I admired "And it looks great with your umbrella" complimented Nora. Neo smiled 'Thanks' she signed "Now for the big finish!-" 

"-Nora, stop being so dramatic" I cut her off. We laughed as Ruby excited the room I quickly looked at Oscar and laughed, he looked like a lost puppy looking at Ruby. 

"Y-you look great Os," she said.

"Y-you look great Os," she said

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"T-Thanks" he faltered. Ruby twirled around "How do I look?" she asked.

 Ruby twirled around "How do I look?" she asked

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Oscar's eyes widened "Oh! You-Uh, Um...uh-you" I chuckled "Girl, I think you broke him" Ruby and I laughed "B-Beautiful!" blurted Oscar "Y-you look beautiful" I snorted at the sight of Ruby and Oscar blushing so hard not even Ruby's new cape could match the red that was on their cheeks.

We paid for the gear and left. We wandered the streets until it started to get dark and fewer people were visible on the sidewalks "Guys the entrance exams don't start until tomorrow morning, Where are going to spend the night?" I asked. Everyone looked at each other, we didn't have enough money left to pay for a hotel and we didn't know anyone here.

"Are you sure we're going to make it?" asked Nora "What do you mean?" questioned Oscar "The entrance exams. We don't have a home anymore-" she said her voice cracking "-If we don't pass-" Ruby cut her off "-but we will, we're amazing at fighting and we learned from one of the best Huntsmen teams ever, we were in Beacon just 15 minutes and we heard their names at least 7 times!" 

'No kidding' I thought to recall the times we would catch someone whispering or even just talking about team STRQ's adventures. Ruby continued "And even if we didn't learn from them directly it still felt like it, you'll see Nora, we'll be the best Huntsmen and Huntresses Beacon had ever had!" she shouted.

We all laughed at her enthusiasm but I still couldn't help but ponder on what Nora had said about us not having a home anymore. She was right if any of us got rejected we would have no home to go to. 'That's not going to happen Em, you've seen them fight' I told myself 'Yeah your friends are probably even better than licensed Huntsmen they're going to pass but what about you?' replied that voice in my head.

I shook my head to get those thoughts out "Em you okay?" asked Mercury "Yeah sorry" I faked a smile but could see Merc didn't buy it. He didn't ask questions either "Yeah okay, C' mon though," he said "Where?" I raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Em have you been hearing our conversation in the last minute?" I fidgeted a bit with my hooks, a nervous habit, and silently shook my head "Well let me brief you, Ren said he remembered passing a park on the way here and Neo suggested we camp there".

I made a little 'O' with my mouth and saw the others were already ahead. I smirked and took Merc's hand "C' mon slowpoke!" I said and dragged him over.


We reached the park and sat on a bench. Luckily the bench was big enough for all of us. We talked about our favorite memories of Carnac, Ms.Mellicaid, and the twins. We laughed, cried, and comforted each other that night. Then we fell asleep ready for tomorrow.

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