| Chapter 34 : Nightmares of the Truth |

Start from the beginning

,, I was little ! I was scared !"

,, were you scared when you shot your own father? "
She got even closer and i crawled further away until my back hit the wall.

,, How cruel can you be? Letting me die and killing him.. " she hurried closer to get on her knees as she glared at me as I gasped in shaky breaths in panic. In fear looking at her torn apart body move so wrong disturbed me.

,, I-i'm sorry " I stuttered looking into her eyes.

,, sorry can't bring back the dead ! You'll go to hell for this !
MURDERER !" her hands grasped my ankle and wrist, I sucked in a sharp breath when she started squeezing them tightly moving my wrist to the side as she looked me deep in the eyes while I was in pain.

,, you could've saved me...
And you could've saved him. "
I cried out when her hold tightened and she twisted my wrist some mumbled of panic appeard in the background but none of it was something I could focus on or think of.

,, you just didn't want to make the effort... COWARD !" A snap appeard and it make me cry out louder at the sharp pain in my wrist and ankle before she suddenly disappeard within the blink of an eye and with her the tight grasps.

I breath out still shaken up, my whole body was shacking and the adrenalin was making me feel numb. The tears that have yet to fall from my eyes where almost blinding my vision again when I finally saw jongin cupping my face to look at him.

I sniffled still in shock and terrified.
,, can you hear me now ??" He seemed almost as terrified as me

I nodded hesitant after I swallowed breathing heavily, it was causing the tears to finally drop down my cheeks new once already refilling my eyes and making me go almost blind as jongin looked to the side. ,, what the fuck was that ?"

I didn't bother looking to where he was looking at to see who he was talking to when I glanced down to my wrist. It was red and aching.
I moved my arm up and winced as my hand limply followed causing me to lay it back down which only worsened it.

Jongin instantly held me still and I groaned when his hand was placed on my arm taking my pain and relieving me from it as I sighed exhaling shakingly and letting my head fall forward to lean against his shoulder.
,, it's ok.. calm down.. alright ?"

I sniffled, my good hand wrapping around my belly my breathing calmed when jongin placed his on mine aswell and I felt a soft little kick from inside which just made me more emotional as I thought of my baby comforting me.


,, hey "
I turned my head in a rush when my eyes landed on hyunsik, he looked terrible. He looked tired, worn out.. sad.

,, hyunsik " I uttered looking over his face when he wouldn't even look at me and rather stare onto the ground before him from where he sat besides the bed I was laying on.
,, you left his body on the ground like an animal.. " I become more awake when he muttered that out shakingly
,, but I couldn't " my eyes traveled down to see him raise his covered in dirt and blood hands and arms.

Before I knew It i was sitting up again blinking panicked when he suddenly disappeard as if he were never there and I was on the couch again instead of the bed I just saw a second ago.

,, omg..." someone gasped ,, jongin !" a voice called and I blinked looking up to see chantel appear by my side with sehun behind him.
,, hey stay calm ok "

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