wednesday. july 17

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When lunch time rolls around I keep in mind the fact that the whole camp is annoyed when I stop and talk to Johnny

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When lunch time rolls around I keep in mind the fact that the whole camp is annoyed when I stop and talk to Johnny. I guess I never really noticed myself holding up the line. It always just feels like seconds.

I get in line behind some of my Galaxy girls and wait patiently for my turn to get my tray. Of course, Johnny is standing there when I walk up.

"Hey," I say. "I don't wanna hold up the line, but can I talk to you after lunch? You can make a t-shirt."

"Sounds good," he laughs. "See you in a bit."

Alright, Penelope, that was good. Way to keep cool.

I sit down at a table next to Mallory and some other campers. Apparently her group has been absolutely crushing Blake's. Usually what happens at camp is the boys show up ready to take down the girls, but end up getting tired by the end of the summer.

My girls aren't doing too bad. We're pretty much evenly matched with Chase's team so the points go back and forth. Speaking of Chase, he's been a lot happier lately. I don't know what happened, but all of a sudden it seems like this weight was lifted off of him and he's just living his best life.

He also won $250 but I choose not to dwell on that.

Before I know it, lunch has come and gone and I start setting up my tie dye stuff. I help the kitchen staff wipe the tables as usual, but try to avoid Johnny. I have to figure out what I'm going to say to him.

The thing is, I really like him.

Like a lot.

The only problem is that I don't know if he feels the same way or if he just wants to be just friends and I'm not sure I wanna know, but all this love going around at camp is kind of inspiring me to go for it but—

Breathe, Penny.

I toss my rag in the water bucket, shaking the thoughts from my mind.

The campers have already grabbed their materials and are spreading the plastic cloths on the tables. I sit at a table alone and wait for Johnny. I busy myself by drawing on a hat in rainbow markers like I'm actually gonna wear it.

Who knows maybe someone will.

After a few minutes, Johnny sits down across from me with a big smile. Any doubtful thoughts dissipate as I take in the way he looks at me. It's the same look Myles gives Mary Anne. It's the same look Mallory gives Blake. Over the last few weeks I've noticed the subtle smirks thrown my way when we're in public and the bright smiles he gives me when we're alone.

Alright, Penny, you're a bad bitch, you can do this.

"What colors should I do this time?" Johnny asks. "I know I did blue and green last time, but I was thinking maybe some pink this time. What do you think, Pen?"

"I think," I pause, taking a deep breath. "We need to talk about whatever is going on between us."

His eyes dart up from the table to stare into mine and instead of getting embarrassed like I usually would, I force myself to look back at him. If this in something I truly want then I have to be brave and show how much I want it.

No backing down, Penny.

"Okay," Johnny says.

"Okay?" I ask, surprised.

Damn, maybe I should take charge more often.

"You're right, we gotta get this straight."

"Johnny, do you like me? As in more than a friend, attracted to me, want this to continue off the mountain-"

"Yes, Pen," he laughs. "I really like you."

He reaches over and grabs my hand across the table.

Keep it together, girl.

"Okay good."



"You sure?" He asks.

"If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't have brought it up, dumbass."

"You're right, I was just making sure," Johnny laughs. "Sorry for being a dumbass."

"You're not a dumbass."

"You just said I was."

"I lied."

"Great, Penelope, let's just build our relationship on lies and deceit," he jokes.

"Shut up!"

"Alright, just add verbal abuse to the mix."


"You know I'm just messing with you, Pen. We're building our relationship on jokes, mutual affection, and a shared love of tie dye." He lifts up a bottle of purple dye and hold it out. "To Johnelope!"

I lift up my own bottle of green dye. "To Johnelope."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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