before we begin

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before i get started, i really just wanted to say thank you so much for the support of my other two stories, Truly Free and May We All. I love both of those works so much because they gave me the experiences i needed in order for me to begin working on this new adventure.

this story, Oak Ridge, is by far my favorite idea i've ever come up with. these are my favorite characters and each one has a piece of me inside of them.

Oak Ridge is very different from my other stories in that we will be following EIGHT characters instead of just one main character - that means EIGHT backstories, EIGHT subplots, and EIGHT completely different personalities.

(now of course all of the plot lines come together and work together as a whole to create a complex story with lots of elements)

i really hope none of this is confusing, but if you get lost or have a question feel free to leave a comment !

i've been working on this idea for a long time and i'm so excited to bring it to life! i hope you all enjoy it and love it as much as i do. this story is so different from my others and it's been an awesome experience writing it.

thank you so so so much !!

-K. x

(also you should hit that little star down here whenever you see it !! it makes me happy)

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