monday. june, 17

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"I'm really proud of you guys," I tell my group as we sit down after our second challenge

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"I'm really proud of you guys," I tell my group as we sit down after our second challenge. "You did an awesome job at working together and you wiped the floor with Emily's team, so thank you."

My boys take swigs from their water bottles and wipe the sweat off their foreheads. They did an awesome job working as a team during ultimate frisbee today. I'm so grateful for such a great group of guys this year.

"It's important to remember as you older guys go into high school to treat everyone fairly, just like you did today. Evan, I especially want to give you a shout out. You did a great job at including everyone in the game. Awesome sportsmanship, guys."

I've discovered over my years of being a camper and a counselor that the one thing that seventh and eighth grade boys need is encouragement. They're already unsure of themselves and awkward so the last thing they need is for someone to put them down.

"So you guys go and use your free hour to shower or whatever- but mostly shower," I say and the guys laugh. "I'll see you at dinner."

The boys disperse from our spot and head to the path back to the cabins. I get up last and follow the same path in the opposite direction. I'm meeting the rest of the counselors down by the lake to discuss some plans.

Myles, Mary Anne, and Chase are already down there and Penny, Blake, Emily, and Mallory come down soon after me. Once we're all gathered, Blake claps his hands for our attention.

"Okay, folks," he says, grinning. "As you all know this is the first official week of camp and the first week of camp always calls for celebration."

He always makes everything theatrical. Blake likes to be large and in charge when it comes to planning any kind of get-together.

"Also, as we know, this year is the last summer here for both Princeton and Emily so we need to have a good time," he announces.

Graduating from college is a good time, but it also means that I'm no longer eligible to be a counselor here. Now Emily and I have to get out and get real jobs.

"So what we're gonna do, as always, is have an after-hour bonfire," Blake's grins. "Now for the plan."

Everyone groans in response. Blake's plans are always risky or outlandish. He's always wanted to be a spy or something.

"So we're not technically allowed to do this according to the rule book. This totally violates the whole leaving campus after hours thing so this is gonna be a special ops mission. Eric cannot know we are planning this so it's gonna have to be a secret," he gives a pointed look at Emily. "Don't blow it like you almost did last year."

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