monday. july 15

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The crowded Mess Hall smells like spaghetti and garlic bread

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The crowded Mess Hall smells like spaghetti and garlic bread. It's been a great day for the campers. The weather's been nice, there's been a breeze, we had grilled cheese for lunch.

So glorious.

After grabbing our trays, Myles and I find seats at a table with Penny and Princeton. She sports a cute bruise on her thigh from a soccer game gone wrong. I don't think she's talked to Chase since this morning even though he apologized multiple times.

Dramatic as always.

"I can't believe we have less than two weeks left," I sigh, resting my head on Penelope's shoulder. "It feels like we just got here."

"I know," she agrees. "I'm not ready to leave y'all again."

"Ah yes, back to the real world," Princeton adds across from us. "Gotta get one of those job things."

Myles runs his hands down his face. "God, I don't even want to think about that. I barely even know what I'm doing after camp, much less after college."

"Ew, no, let's exit this conversation." Penelope cringes. "So, uh, how about this spaghetti?"

They continue talking about their day and their teams, laughing and enjoying themselves. I smile along too, trying to distract myself from the fact that we'll all be going out separate ways soon. We'll head off to our home states and schools and hope to see each other before Christmas.

Normally it's just a bittersweet goodbye at the end of camp, but I'm expecting lots of tears this year.

We've grown closer as friends and it'll be so weird coming back here with two new people instead of Princeton and Emily. My heart breaks for Blake and Mallory. They've only just started their relationship and now they have to jump straight into long distance...

Oh God.

Myles and I have always been able to manage being apart as friends, but now? I don't know how I'll handle it. I've gotten so used to him being so close to me. For a month I've been able to reach out and touch him whenever I want and pretty soon I won't have that anymore.

"Mary Anne, you good?" Princeton asks. "You just blanked out for a minute."

My first instinct is to nod my head and assure my friends that I'm fine, but I've honestly had enough of that crap.

"I'm not ready to leave," I say.

"Did we not leave this conversation in the past?" Penelope asks.

"I mean, think about it," I continue, ignoring her. "What's gonna happen when we go back home? I won't be able to stand not seeing y'all every day. This year has been different and I know y'all have felt it. There's no way I can sit every day and wonder when I'm going to see you next."

"It'll be fine! We'll see each other on breaks," Penny suggests.

"It's gonna suck." I frown.

"I really feel bad for you two," Princeton says, pointing his fork between Myles and I. "What are y'all gonna do? Drive a couple of hours every weekend?"

"I mean, I would," Myles answers, turning to me. "Like you said, things are different obviously. I've gotten so used to being around you that I'll have to come see you all the time or I might die."

"Barf," Penny mumbles.

"You're one to talk, Miss 'I hold up the food line every time I'm in it to talk to Johnny,'" Princeton points out.

"Destroy her, Prince," Myles says under his breath.

"That is not true," she tries to defend herself.

"Hey Blake!" Myles calls out. Blake looks our way from a few tables over. "Penny says she doesn't hold up the food line talking to Johnny."

"Bull," Blake says.

"That's just three peoples' opinions," Penny calls back.

Blake stands up, clearing his throat. "Attention Camp Oak Ridge! Please raise your hand if your Mess Hall experience has been tainted by Penelope holding up the line."

Almost all the campers across the Mess Hall put their hands up.

"Thank you for your participation in this survey," Blake finishes.

"Y'all are assholes," Penny mumbles.

"Just speaking the truth," Princeton says, takin another bite of spaghetti.

I'm gonna miss this.

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