"I never walk this much unless I'm at a mall. And as you can see, we're no where near one." Mimi whined and complained.

"Mimi, stop whining." Tai said.

"No! My feet hurt!" Mimi continued to complain.

"Maybe if you take off your boots and socks you'd feel better, Mimi. It's much more practical, I think." Agumon suggested.

"I'm not walking in dirt on my bare feet!"

"I love the feel of dirt under my feet, especially between my toes." Palmon said happily, but Mimi didn't think the same.

"It appears that we may be losing our light source." Izzy said watching the setting sun.

"Izzy, why can't you say that the sun is setting? I think it would be easier." I sighed.

"What a weird sunset." Sora commented.

"Really? I think it's lovely." I said.

"This whole island is weird, and who knows what comes out at night." Izzy added.

"Wait, I detect water. Stay here while I check it out." Tentomon flew up to the top of a tree and spotted a large lake nearby.

"Yes, as usual I'm right. It's a lake with fresh, clean water and a variety of tasty fish. It's the perfect campsite."

"Maybe I can finally soak my poor aching feet." Mimi whined relieved at the news.

"Yay, we get to swim!" Gomamon shouted, but before he could run to the lake, Joe pulled him back by the tail.

"Gomamon, you'd better wait until it's safe first." He warned the water digimon.

I looked down and saw Tk sitting exhausted in the dirt.

"That's why I think we should keep walking and stop complaining." Matt said irritated by the complaints of the group.

"Everybody's hungry, we need to find some food." Tai added.

"That is a good plan. I like that plan a lot." Joe agreed.

I bent down and faced my back towards Tk, "Come on. You're tired, right? I'll carry you to the lake if you want."

Tk smiled, wrapping his arms around my neck and hopping onto back.

I picked him up, but then changed my plans. I walked over to Matt and lifted Tk over my shoulders and onto Matt's back.

Matt was a little surprised but held onto Tk as I put him on his back.

He looked over at me in surprise, "What are you doing?" He asked.

I giggled at his shocked expression, "You two need some brotherly bonding time. I've hogged him enough for today. It's your turn."

I cluthced the sleeping Luna in my arms and walked ahead of Matt and Tk.

Matt's face turned a bright pink, heating up as he walked behind me.

As the sun set further behind the mountainous horizon, we came closer to the lake. Once we came across its beautiful pink waters, I noticed that there were telephone towers in the center of the lake.

'What is this place, exactly?' I thought.

"It should safe to rest here for tonight." Biyomon said.

"Yeah, I love camping outside." Sora agreed.

"If I won't walk ib dirt, what makes you think I'll sleep in it?" Mimi asked.

"Mimi, do you see a hotel here?" Tai asked sarcastically.

Digimon Adventure: A Yamato love storyWhere stories live. Discover now