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1. What device do you usually access your Wattpad account on?

• My iPhone

2. Do you pop your knuckles or does that disgust and annoy the heck out of you?

•Ewwww. Nope never. I cannot handle the sound when other people crack theirs. Ugh just thinking about it makes me shiver.

3. What is your favorite song this week?

•Ahhhh Steal my girl xD or cool kids or any 5sos song

4. Are you taller or shorter than most of your friends?

•I used to be taller but now we are mostly all the same height

5. When you sleep are your blankets tucked in, or free floating on your bed?

•Free floating on the floor usually. I go to sleep with them on my bed and some nights they just fall off the bed xD

6. What subject are you best at in school? Regardless of whether you enjoy it or not.

•Ah Drama or English probably.

7. Do you have/plan on getting a tattoo?

• I want to get a tattoo but I hate pain soo yeah

8. How often do you wear makeup, and how much do you put on? (Like do you try to look natural, or make it as obvious as you possibly can that you smeared colors on your face)

• I wear makeup nearly everyday as I trie to make it look naturalish as possible, which for me isn't very much

9. What TV show world (that you watch of course) would you be the most likely to fail miserably at living in?

•Ah Doctor Who, I'd just get pissed at the doctor to much xD

10. QUICK HIT THE PASTE BUTTON. Whatever shows up is your answer.

• 19777277 <- that is the number for a 1D competition in Australia

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 16, 2014 ⏰

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