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1. Have you ever been in a physical fight with someone?

• Haha yeah, back when i was ten I had a fight with this boy from my class. Well, to be honest it was kinda my fault that the fight started in the first place. And afterwards, being the little bitchy girl I was back then, I squeazed out tears in front of the teacher saying it was all his fault. The only thing I was angry about really was that he broke my new dangly earrings (which made me feel all grown-up) that I wore for the first time that day. And it was kinda his fault too... I mean who told him to provoke me? Right? You agree with me, right?

2. What was the first anime you watched?

• That's easy. Sailor Moon. It's still my all time favourite. Mamoru was my first ever crush (and I was six lolll)

3. What is your favorite song this week?

• I don't really listen to music much to be honest... Call me weird if you will, but I listen to arabic religious songs that don't use any instruments. If you want anything specific, I'd say Love & Life by Ahmed Saeed

4. Name the last movie you saw.

• being a drama girl myself, I don't really watch movies much but if I have to think back, it was Vampire Academy

5. Can you play any musical instruments/sing?

• Instruments? Well, I kinda learnt how to play the piano a little, but I've totally forgotten how to read a music sheet now, so no. Singing? Well, I'd say I can sing, but my family and friends would call it the wailing of a stranged cat.. make of that what you will

6. Which languages are included in your multilingual-ness?

• Well, there's Bangali, my mother tongue, German, my second language because I grew up in Austria. English, because I life in the UK. Arabic, I've studied its grammar and can read it fluently, it's just the verbal speaking aspect that I always have trouble with. Erm, there's also Urdu, which I can read, write and speak. As well Hindi (without the reading and writing aspect), but that's kind of a extension of Urdu, although, I'd initially started learning Hindi from Bollywood movies and dramas. I know basic Japanese conversational skills because of my Jdrama and anime obsession. Same with Korean, which I learnt after marathons and marathons of k-dramas. I've learnt to read and write Hangeul (the alphabet) a little bit, but it's still nursery school level. But yeah, that's it,

7. Do you sleep with your socks on or off?

• Ugh I don't know how people sleep with their socks on. I don't even like socks. At all. But of course, I'm forced to rely on them, in the winter.

8. Are you a fast reader or a slow reader?

• Depends on the complexity level (where it takes some time to take things in) and how much time I have, to finish reading it, as well as how interesting it is. When it's interesting, I read really fast, just wanting to know what happens next.

9. What kind of job do you picture your future husband/wife (whoever you're into) to have?

• I have no idea. Whatsoever. Maybe from a creative sector. But then I'm not opposed to scholarly types either. I have a bit of a glasses fetish *admits sheepishly*. I like intelligent men you can have an intelligent conversation with, but not too intelligent that I'll feel stupid most of the time. Maybe an engineer?

10. Have you ever been hit so hard you passed out?

• No. I've actually never fainted before. I really want to know what it feels like. I even tried to make myself faint, but then some things are too extreme and eventually I gave up.

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