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1. Have you ever been in a physical fight with someone?

•Nope i have slapped someone though but I dont think that counts...

2. What class do you like best in school?

•English, definitely.

3. What is your favorite song this week?

•Jar Of Hearts or Nothing Left to Say

4. Name the last movie you saw.

• Spiderman two (sadly)

5. Have you had any interesting pets?

• Well my cat acts like a dog (fetches walks on leash etc.) And he also has an obsession with water...

6. Can you speak any other languages?

•Latin, used to speak Spanish, French, and Tai but probs cant anymore XD haha

7. Do you sleep with your socks on or off??

•Usually off XD

8. Are you a fast reader or a slow reader?

•Fast reader unless i have to take notes or something

9. What kind of job would you want your future husband/wife (whoever you're into) to have?

•One that makes money but doesnt keep him away from me constantly..idk whay that would be but yeah

10. Have you ever broken a bone?

•No...sprained my wrist and finger twice but have never broken anything xx

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