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1. What device do you usually access your Wattpad account on?

•I use an iPad and a macbook.

2. What the relationship between you and the last person you texted?

•@Ella_White. We were studying for an exam...

3. What is your favorite song this week?

•This week? Um, either Ferris Wheel by Katie Stump or Anna Sun by Walk the Moon.

4. How tall are you?

•5'1". Yup. I'm short. Now go make a bad joke about it. Everyone does...

5. Are you a morning person or a night person?

•I'm a morning person. No, seriously. I'm that one person who goes to a party and falls asleep on the couch before midnight, just because I cannot stay up late.

6. What candy do you usually buy if you're going out to the movies?

•Normally I get Sourpatch watermelon and Oreos at the Wallgreens near my school. Actually, this would be @Ella_White 's ideal question. She is a bit of a candy addict... In the best way possible.

7. Do you have/plan on getting a tattoo?

• I don't have one, but I do want one, maybe... I'm still undecided on that point.

8. About how many pieces of pizza can you eat in a single sitting?

•I've eaten eight... (I was in Italy, and the pizza there is like a bite out of heaven)

9. Why is your username what it is?

•Calli and Cloudy are two horses that I used to ride. They used to be my favorites, but now it's just the username I use for everything.

10. QUICK HIT THE PASTE BUTTON. Whatever shows up is your answer.

• "Exit, pursued by a bear."

― William Shakespeare, The Winter's Tale

(Oh god, I don't know where that came from! Probably English class, or a quote for a story I'm working on!)

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