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Decide to do something a bit different and answer some of my own questions :3


1. Why is your Username what it is?

• well the story is in my bio, but I'm a super clumsy person, and after dropping this jar of jelly my crush/best friend/ soulmate/very special somepony decided to tell our teacher what happened. The teacher was thought it was so funny (especially when he learned that the first thing I did after dropping it was Instagram the pic) that he nicknamed me Jelly. A week later everyone had forgotten except crush/best friend/ soulmate/very special somepony and he still calls me that when I drop or break things.

2. Can you play any musical instruments/sing?

•I play the trombone, I have for about 6 years. I can't sing, but I do anyway XD.

3. What device do you access your wattpad on?

• My iPad. My family has 2 computers that don't work, and I don't understand why we still have them.... I use the website rather than the app.

4. Is your bedroom:

A) neat and tidy

B) usually a complete mess, but you thoroughly clean it frequently.

C) So messy you can't even see the floor

•A) neat and tidy. When I get bored or stressed I clean. But because everything's so clean I've had to resort to making a mess so I can have something to clean up!

5. Name the last thing you drank.

• Water. I hate Soda (or Pop wherever you're from), we don't usually have tea in the house, and juice gives me heart burn so I'm basically limited to water.

6. How tall are you?

• I'm 5'9". I am SUPER tall for a girl in my area because the average height is 5'3 and one of my best friends is an even 4'11.

7. Why did you join wattpad?

•The first time (my old account) was so my friends and I could IM during class because the site wasn't blocked on our school issued laptops. Recently I made a new account because I started a fanfic and wanted to share it. But apparently no one wants to read it, it's not crap I swear.

8. What is your favorite song this week?

•ummm probably Fancy by Iggy Azalea. I didn't like it at first but it's really grown on me.

9. Do you sleep with socks on or off?

• ON. I have really cold and clammy feet and its not fun to suddenly have a freezing foot slide against your other leg when you're rolling over in bed.

10. Do you love snow, or hate it with a fiery passion?

• I actually really don't like snow. I hate being cold, which I usually am because I'm really tolerant of heat. Snow also closes schools in my area and I HATE MISSING SCHOOL. #ravenclawprobs #imactuallyahufflepuff #hashtag

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