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1. Why did you join Wattpad?

•try to make stories and share it to wattpadders.

2. Are you out of school yet? (for summer or graduated)

•still studying

3. What's your favorite color?

•red for blood

4. I mostly read ___ books:

A) Science fiction

B) Cringe worthy Romance

C) Fantasy

D) Realistic Fiction that doesn't need a romantic plot line

E) Non Fiction

•mystery books

5. Is there anything that you admit is dumb, but you're still afraid of it?


6. What candy do you usually buy if you're going out to the movies?

•i hate candies

7. Do play and musical instruments/sing?


8. Is there any food that all your family and friends love but you hate?

•anything with pepper

9. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

•i cant

10. Do you pop your knuckles or does that disgust and annoy the heck out of you?

• No.

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