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1. Why did you join Wattpad?

• I was forced to, actually. I was on the app and had my own library, but after an update I couldn't have a library until I got an account.

2. QUICK HIT THE PASTE BUTTON. Whatever shows up is your answer.


Oh god

3. What is your favorite song this week?

• "Fancy"

I know, Im lame

4. I mostly read ___ books:

A) Science fiction

B) Cringe worthy Romance

C) Fantasy

•D) Realistic Fiction that doesn't need a romantic plot line

E) Non Fiction

5. Is there anything that you admit is dumb, but you're still afraid of it?

• The dark. And by that, I mean, I'll turn off a light at night, then race out of the room, panicked for no reason.

6. What candy do you usually buy if you're going out to the movies?

• Jelly beans

7. Do play and musical instruments/sing?

• I play flute #bandgeek5ever

8. Is there any food that all your family and friends love but you hate?

• Tomatoes >.<

9. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

• No :P

10. How clumsy are you?

• Out of ten, about 6




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