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1. Why did you join Wattpad?

•Because I want to improve my english through writing ;)

2. QUICK HIT THE PASTE BUTTON. Whatever shows up is your answer.

• (((okay you've got me.)))

3. What is your favorite song this week?

• Good Girls by 5 Seconds of Summer. can't stop playing it.

4. How tall are you?

• 5'3. I know I'm kind of oompa loompa don't judge me. It's an average height in my country.

5. Is there anything that you admit is dumb, but you're still afraid of it?

• I'm afraid of a lot of things, and some considered as dumb. like whenever snake pic comes up I'm scared about it.

6. What candy do you usually buy if you're going out to the movies?

•nah, I'm into popcorn or chips.

7. Do play and musical instruments/sing?

• I sing and uploaded it on my soundcloud account. but it's not really good, it sounds like a moaning walrus tho.

8. Is there any food that all your family and friends love but you hate?

• yes, it's a fruit called Durian. it's a tropical fruit, famous at Indonesia (where i live) and Thailand. or maybe another South-East Asia countries. I hate it. so much. but my friends and family love it. #whyuniversewhy

9. Can you touch your nose with your tongue?

• no. and I already read about the fact that we can't touch our nose with our tongue, so i didn't try it lol

10. Do you pop your knuckles or does that disgust and annoy the heck out of you?

• I pop my knuckles, and people around me get annoyed because of it.

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