Arsenal x Star!Reader

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Dr. Fate is the Lord of Order that needs a host in order to inhabit the reality of earth and he does this through the Helmet of Fate. Since his host is Zatara, a loving father, he's felt lonely. He wanted someone to be with him and help take care of the universe. So he decided to visit a star in space. One that was just about to be born. Right when the star was born he merged bit of his magic with the star and a cosmic deity was born. Born from magic and space. He named the small baby girl Rayla. She was a beautiful baby. She was Nabu's daughter and her name was Rayla. Although she was a baby she grew to be a teenager within a day. Being a baby and the Lord of Order's daughter was too dangerous so she felt the need to grow very quickly.

Rayla was a gifted young girl although only a year old now from when she was born she's seen half the universe, had a great education, and natural control over her abilities. Nabu wanted to keep his little girl away from danger but she wanted to be just like her dad. With her honey brown hair and doe like baby blue eyes convinced her father to let her meet the Justice League. They were shocked to see that Fate had a daughter.

~Rayla's POV~

I had on my usual outfit a white long sleeve buttoned up shirt, navy blue skirt, a navy blue tie, my trench coat, and navy blue sneakers. I like my trench coat. It's so cozy. I don't usually wear anything else or if I do I have my trench coat on. I'm so excited. I love my dad but I need to be around other people. We got in from the space entrance and dad lead me into the watchtower. The only reason that I'm here is because dad needs to talk to Batman and he let me come. I am so excited. I followed him to the meeting room where I saw the main Justice League members. Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern, and Aquaman. Batman looked at me and turned to dad.

"Who is she?" Batman asked in his deep monotone emotionless voice.

"My daughter." Dad said before he and Batman turned to talk privately. So I was left with the other 6 main members of the Justice League. I smiled and waved.

"Hi." I greeted.

"What's your name?" Superman asked.

"Oh yeah. My name is Rayla." I said offering a hand to shake. Superman shook my hand and I felt my inner fangirl come out. I'm shaking Superman's hand!

"Ok how can you be Nabu's daughter when he is a helmet?" Green Lantern asked.

"Oh yeah that small detail. I was a star about to be born and right when I was born be merged a bit of his magic with the star and boom I became well human." I explained. He just nodded.

"She's a cosmic deity." Martian Manhunter said. I smiled and nodded.

"Rayla it's time to go." Dad said.

"But dad you said you'd show me around the watchtower." I whined. Yes I whine. I'm technically still only a year old. It's acceptable for my age. He sighed.

"Fine. I'll telepathically link the information into your mind." Dad said. I sighed and floated after dad.

"Fate think about what I said." Batman's voice said. Dad just kept walking. Dad kept his word and gave me the tour of the watchtower from his memories. Yay. Note the sarcasm.

~Time Skip 3 Months~

Me and dad went to the watchtower to zeta beam to mount justice. I don't know why we were going there but I was most likely going to be told to sit down and wait. Right before we went through dad turned to me and I could see sadness in his eyes. We went through and I saw Batman and the team surrounding the zeta tube. I looked at dad who looked away.

"Team this is Rayla. She's Fate's daughter. She will visit from time to time to help on missions and train." Batman said. I hugged dad happy he let me have some freedom.

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