Dick Grayson x Bruce!Daughter!Reader

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I paced around the Batcave annoyed. I just wanted to punch something but I have to wait for the sun to go down. I'm already suited. I just need to blow some steam. Hearing them laughing made me mad. The more they talked the more I wanted to punch them in the face.

"(N/n) come over here and talk to us." Dick called over. I glared at him over my shoulder and kept pacing.


I just got a really big promotion at work and dad said we'd celebrate together. But apparently the boys' mission finished earlier than expected and dad invited them. I didn't want to invite them but didn't want to be rude.

"Why are we going out?" Jason asked taking his helmet off.

"I got a big promotion at work." I said smiling a bit. My mood was kinda ruined now.

"Boys go change so we can go out." Dad said. We went up to their rooms and came back a few minutes later.

"Yay Korean BBQ time!" I said excitedly grabbing my keys.

"Really? Why don't we just go to a burger joint?" Jason asked. I clenched my jaw so that I didn't start a fight. Me and dad already decided on Korean BBQ before they were invited to tag along.

"Well dad and I already-"

"Yeah let's get burgers. That mission has me wanting a cheeseburger." Dick said.

"Ok let's go to the normal spot then?" Dad asked. They nodded their heads. I just went along with it. We got there and ordered. I've been working so hard for this that I wanted to tell dad everything but they were so wrapped up in how the mission went. It was great, minimal damage and casualties, intel was good, and out before local law enforcement arrived. But they were so into themselves that celebrating my promotion wasn't a thing. It was celebrating their mission.

~End of Flashback~

We left early because I said I was having stomach pains after angry crying in the girls bathroom at the restaurant. I just wanted some time with dad. But every time it's them!

"I've told you before don't call me (N/n)." I said stiffly. I've had it up to here with them especially Dick. He always tries to be nice but never includes me in anything with them. It's so annoying and insulting. They went on a Batkids hang out and didn't invite me. Literally said it to my face as they left. I'm the original Batkid. I was here before Dick.

"Ok then (Y/n) come hang out." He said with a smile. I glared at him again and flew off with my jet pack. It was sunset. I could finally leave. I quickly came across some joker thugs and two face thugs having at it.

"What are you doing?! Were you gonna go in without backup?!" A familiar voice whisper shouted. I sighed annoyed and dropped down. I started bashing heads. A thump soon after let me know that Dick is fighting with me too. I smiled finally able to let my rage out. They called for backup and I just kept taking down people.

"Batman some backup would be great right now. Two gangs are having at it and we're in the middle." I heard him call in while I was fighting. It made me freeze. No I needed this.

"No we've got it." I said into the comms. But that gave a thug time to swing at me in the ribs with a metal pipe. I hissed and swayed a bit at the impact losing my footing. I quickly punched him across the face before grabbing his hair and smashing it into my knee knocking him out. After a few minutes and some scratches dad got here as I took down the last guy.

"Nightwing good job are you ok?" He asked going towards Dick. I looked at him in disbelief. I was the one taking out most of these guys.

"Hi (Y/s/n) is here too." I said sarcastically dropping the guy that I was holding and previously punching in the face.

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