A smile that is worth it all.

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Gentle and La Brava both were baffled by Izuku's proposal of joining him.

"Young man, you have defeated I , The Gentle Criminal and you want someone like me who flunked U.A and my Partner who lived as a shut in till she met me and with a Quirk that is completely useless to your cause1 into your esteemed Organisation?"

"Well yes cause unlike other Villains, you actually are caring for your partner unlike others who just abandons and uses their comrades."Said Izuku kindly as he grabbed both their hands.

"I don't know what to say." Said Gentle with tears in his eyes." Somebody sees me as I wanted to be seen at last." Sobbed Gentle as La Brava went to comfort him.

"Deku, If you ever try to hurt Gentle or abandon him, I will come after you!" Threatened La Brava.

Shoto was about to attack but Uraraka stopped him from moving."No Shoto, She isn't saying this to be our enemy, She is concerned for her man's well being cause he is about to enter a very dangerous and dark territory that could lead to terrible decisions being made."

"Oh that is what it was, I thought she was gonna hurt Izuku." Said Shoto as he calmed down with an icy aura.

"Ok Gentle Criminal and La Brava, here is your first assignment,try to cheer up Eri with a man named Ablation he is a Foreigner and around him is a blond girl in a brown Sailor Fuku, a guy who wears a hoodie and mask, a man with surgical staples on his face with wrinkles. A/N Dabi has to wear foundation on his purple blotches or else people will freak. and a lizard man and with them is a young boy Kota who is Ablation's protege." Said Izuku.

"So find these 7 and cheer her up?" Said La Brava. "Ok fine, me and Gentle won't screw up the festival, we promise."

"Good we will be back once we change out our Villain Costumes and fix up the place before the Heroes get suspicious." Ordered Izuku. Soon all the Villains got to work to erase evidence of the epic battle.

As Gentle and La Brava went to find the girl named Eri and Ablation. They stumbled upon a scene in which was shocking.

"What did you mean that her shooting sucked!" Screamed a foreign man in their native tongue at a stall vendor as a little girl was crying and a young boy was comforting her along with the people Izuku described.

"Hey don't blame me if that little girl can't shoot at the teddy bear right." Said The Vendor.

Just before Ablation was about to reach for his Water Pistol Gentle immediately intervened. "Excuse me young man, may I see that weapon?"
Said Gentle as he asked Ablation for the BB gun.

"Eri, let him see it." Said Ablation gently.

"Ok." said a teary eyed Eri.

"Just as I thought, the gun barrel is bent all over causing the Ball bearing to keep dropping mid shot."


"Not in front of the children." chided Gentle as he stopped Ablation mid sentence.

"Now don't worry I can use it." Said Gentle.

The stall vendor smirked as he thought to himself that the middle aged man would be unable to hit a target let alone any from the slightly bent B.B gun.

"Gentle Rebound." Said Gentle as the B.B was fired with a slight Quirk enhancement and hit a pink medium sized Teddy Bear.

"Hey you cheated!" shouted the Vendor.

"Have any proof?" Said Gentle as Eri hugged her Teddy tightly.

"Thanks for the intervention, I would have turned the dude into swiss cheese if you hadn't stopped me." Said Ablation as he spun his water pistol.

"No problem, Ablation." Said Gentle.

"How do you know my name." Said Ablation as he and his crew were ready to attack.

"Midoriya gave me an description of you and your teammates to me and La Brava." Said Gentle.

"Let me confirm this." Said Ablation taking his Smartphone out.

"Hi boss did you sent a loli and a guy that looked like her dad our way?"

"A loli!" Screeched La Brava. "Her Dad?! She is my lover and she is 21 so she is legal!" screamed Gentle at Ablation.

"Oh they are for real, ok boss we will let them join us, thank you."

"Alright then, lets wait for Midoriya for 1 minute." Said Ablation.

After a few back and forth banter between Ablation and Gentle with La Brava, especially one joke made that involved The FBI arresting Gentle on suspicion of child grooming and one about La Brava being put to CPS for spending too much time with a grown man, Then Izuku and his crew returned with their disguises on.

"Hey Eri, I went over to this stall where they made these candied apples, tell me how it is."

Eri took a bite and an adorable look appeared on her face. " It's Delicious!" she exclaimed.

Everyone in their heads commented how adorable she was. "Boss what took you?" asked Ablation

"We needed to not only change our costume, we needed to throw off our scent literally cause Hound Dog and a bunch of Ectoplasm clones were on our trail so I had to have Momo and Mina make a really foul stink bomb which took some time to make and detonate but we threw them off." explained Izuku.

"Well poor Hound Dog." Said Ablation "Oh yeah its about time for the performance so let's find some seats."

"Right, ok let's go."  Said Izuku.

As Izuku and his League Of Villains took their seats they watch the opening sequence and suddenly Bakugo started drumming like a mad man and suddenly Tenko appeared and used his decay on the Disco Mirror Ball and then the other instuments appeared and then the guitar riff is done by Tetsutetsu and Piano played by Tenko with his nanogloves Then Kinoko created glow ing Giant mushrooms in which Tenko had retracted his single hand and while playing piano waved his hand and caused the mushrooms to decay but at the same time give off a sweet pleasant scent.

"This is incredible! Tenko can now use his Decay remotely at any range and has control over it and it didn't destroy the stage! *mutter* *mutter* *mutter*." Said Izuku as he took notes.

"Izuku please stop you are making us all uncomfortable taking notes." Said Uraraka as she set the notepad of The Leagues leader down.

"I'll take em later." exclaimed The Villain.

As Eri watched the show, She started to smile and to the rest of these Villains it was a mission accomplished.

But unbeknownst to them, X was getting agitated and at the midst of an Identity Crisis.
"I can't believe that Master was once friends with my original and this guy really treated him badly!" Thought X.

"Even though we have the same face he and I are both completely different people. I AM NOT THIS BASTARD!!!"

"Master, I need to use the bathroom."
said X.

"Ok Kacchan X you can go." Said Izuku.

As X looked at himself in the bathroom mirror and couple with the fact that he was the clone of Bakugo Katsuki, the very person who bullied his master and was made to replace the void that Katsuki has left in Izuku's heart and thus creating X only made Izuku hurt even more cause unlike Katsuki, X is a bit more kinder and gentler in nature but Izuku felt more detached to him now.

X then shed his disguise to wash the face of the one person he truly hated in his life. Suddenly Monoma arrived and saw him.

"Bakugo, why are you here?"asked Monoma.

X immediately lost his limit and immediately activated his Quirk.

Monoma laid unconscious and Bruised and X walked in front of him.

"My name is NOT BAKUGO!!!" Screeched X as he used his beam blasts on his face that avoided his eyes in front of a mirror.

"My name is X"

I dedicate this chapter to the fans but for the next 2 weeks I need to seriously give my exams so back to the hiatus.


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