Chapter 17

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News traveled very fast of Izuku's attack on the Yaoyoruzu Family this put almost all of The Pro Heroes on high alert and Principal Nezu was livid."How the Hell could this HAPPEN!" Shouted Nezu. " A gang of Villains has infiltrated and attack the Yaoyoruzus, THE YAOYORUZUS!!! One of our most influential families in Pro Hero Society along with the Iidas and Todorokis." Nezu I know you are upset but look at this footage." Said Midnight to every Pro Hero in the room including the hamster genius.
They saw Izuku unmasked but still in the costume they recognize and saw his team kill off the security forces, Then they saw another face."That's Young Bakugo!" Said All Might with shock as they saw X decimate the entire force with AP Auto Cannon.  "Their leader is actually a young boy named Izuku Midoriya.One of our students studying for Hero Support Gear Courses and is the top student and made brilliant devices that enables levatation and shock capsules that can take down any Augmentation ,Emitter and Mutant Quirk users by temporarily paralysis " Said Midnight. "We have his mother talking to us in the interrogation room.She really couldn't believe that her own son was capable of shooting a woman point blank in the face and kidnapping a girl. Even Bakugo was shocked to "Worthless Deku" was with Villains until he saw his clone upclose. Mitsuki Bakugo was so angry that her son was on the attack she was on the verge of killing his ass until I put her to sleep.Bakugo was also screaming when he saw FrostBurn and it reminded him of something so bad he was having a panic attack and I also put him to sleep."Said Midnight."Strange thing is this." Said Midnight. During the attack  Mitsuki and her husband both said their son was eating dinner with them until I showed her the video that she went bonkers on his ass.The Father confirmed it for us." said Midnight as she showed the video footage of Bakugo's parents
celebrating their son's return form the hospital and during the running of the video which showed Bakugo blowing up on his dad's face on taping him while he was getting ready for at precisely midnight A/N :The time not the R rated heroine. During which the Yaoyoruzu Estate was attacked by the League Of Villains. "I don't understand." said All Might, I know this boy with the green hair somewhere." Said All Might. "Oh no!" Said All Might in realization. "That was the same boy whose hopes and dreams I have destroyed with my own irresponsible speech of you can't be a hero without a Quirk.I should have known HE was behind this! "Growled All Might. "All For One,I will defeat you once more!" Raged All Might.

Izuku saw news after Shoto and Uraraka called him downstairs to see the news. "Well shit,I was in such a hurry,I forgot to put on my mask." said Izuku pointing towards a device that resembles a scarf but is actually a black metallic collar with sharp jagged teeth as a design."Are you stupid!" Yelled Izuku's compatriots. "Sorry I didn't finish it on time.I made this mask from observing Tenko Shimura's constantly mobile nano gloves in which becomes a bangle upon him wanting to use his Quirk at will due to a few transmitters  placed at his temporal lobe, I spent the entire full year on taking a course of support gear classes and raised myself to the top to take the advancement classes to get my hands on it so I can put on my mask and costume easily under my clothes and came with better and new functions that I can form guns and bullets from a construct ray I built inside to create guns and knives from thin air after imbueing my Create Quirk I got from Momo's Mom and Technopathy.By the way I met a classmate who actually wishes to make support gears,unfortunately failure to prevent multiple explosions from her overloaded devices coupled with the fact that there is only exclusive Pro Heroes who can buy her gears and can't get variety due to several restrictions Hero Society put on support gear like paperwork and such,I convinced her to be our support gear maker and gave her a lab space of her own and a contract with Giran to give her all the support she needs to fight and work for our cause. Guys meet Mei Hatsune, our Costume and my fellow Gear Maker." A pinked hair girl with goggles,a black tanktop, breasts that made Uraraka very self conscious and jealous, and a pair of goggles has appeared before them."Izuku we need to talk in private." Said Uraraka dragging the Symbol Of Evil by the ear."I'm coming too. I won't stand for you hurting Uraraka's feelings." Said Shoto as they both exerted rage auras towards Izuku. "Uraraka as I told you,your the only girl for me." Said Izuku in pain from his ear being dragged,"I brought her here cause I need more time for planning and between planning and making support gears is really taking a toll on me." Said Izuku with his bags under his eyes. "Besides She wants to live in her lab so I made living arrangements to make sure that she can eat,work and sleep there at the same time." Said Izuku. "Oh." Said both the villains. Now then I have a plan to bring the rest of Class 1-B under my fold." Said Izuku.My goal is not just a single student corruption to the darkside,but a entire class!" Said Izuku maniacally. "I decided to use Iida,the Trio,Mei,you 2 and Mineta to convince Mashiro Oijiro,Yuga Aoyama ,Rikido Sato,Koji Koda and Mezu Shoji to join us so you 2 need to transfer to their class and since Iida is already there he will help too.Spread few subtle seeds of doubt on them as you walk by them saying about the attack we did and how it was revealed  that Momo was abused with evidence you can say is found on the internet "web page" that I will make showing the photos Mineta took for me before I was convinced that we needed to rescue her,by the way Shoto how is she doing by the way." "She never wanted to let go of me,in fact she was afraid of me first until we both shared a cake together. She was always smiling as we talked about how you came and changed our lives, She even said she is willing to fight with us as long as you and me are by her side." Said Shoto sheepishly."Good its decided, you and her are now going to have more time in the base with each other,oh I can picture it me and Uraraka and you and Momo all together with our friends spending a whole lot of quality time." Said Izuku happily.Uraraka smacked him on the head with a karate chop. "Stop saying embarrassing things!" "Now onto business, we will infiltrate The Spring Festival and now since I taken myself out of the equation, it's up to you guys.

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